I have been such a bad blogger lately!! My schedule has really started ramping up this week and I just didn't have time scheduled out very well! I am teaching 2 college courses, working full time, holding a parent workshop, and taking 3 college courses! Yep....way too much!!! At least I got in a great long run today with my good friend Jill! It's amazing how God know just what you need! I love running with her and it was so awesome catching up!
This week I have dropped 7lbs....normally I would be doing the happy dance all over town but it is stemming from a medication that I have to take...which makes me feel very sick. Monday I went to the dr. for a sore throat thinking my strep had come back and I left there with an ulcer which was caused by a bacteria that I got from teaching refugees! WHAT???!!! I had never heard of it! Well I am on the meds for 2 weeks to get rid of the bacteria and then they are going to tackle the ulcer. I guess having horrible acid reflux when I ran wasn't just how my body was...it was the freaky ulcer! I'm hoping for a better week at the gym and not a sick belly!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
Quote for the Day
"Run if you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must. Just never give up!"
Dean Karnazes
50 Marathons, 50 States, 50 Days
Dean Karnazes
50 Marathons, 50 States, 50 Days
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Birthday Goodies
So after my Debbie Downer post I failed to mention all my AWESOME goodies that my friends and family gave me....The hubs took me out to Boston last night to K.O. Prime...Bostonians should try this out...wicked good! He also gave me a running shirt that says, "No one trains for runner up"....He's so bad ass! I love it!
My parents an
d sister were on the "Nancy loves running" train and I scored some wicked awesome stuff....The parents gave me money so that I can register for the next two halfs that I want to do....This is huge when the budget is tight! I also got a cute scarf and "Julie and Julia" because I just love Julia Childs (sorry I got
off on a tangent!)...The sis pulled through with a Dvd and book...I'm going to watch this after I'm done on the computer but it may make me want to go running right away!
My parents an

Reality...and Blessings
I have been a bad blogger lately mostly because I have been a sick blogger lately! I had strep and now I have some funky thing that just won't go away. Although I got in a 10 miler yesterday in this gorgeous January thaw!
I do have something non running related...Friday was my birthday. I turned 31....yep 31. That number makes me want to be ill! It was kind of a melancholy birthday. Part of me is surprised at where my life is right now. (in a good way) I have a great job and am doing a lot of adjunct teaching. I have a beautiful daughter and a great husband. Plus I have done more in running than I thought I had in me! But there is always that side of me that is surprised at where my life is right now. (in a bad way) I had always thought I would live closer to my family...I would be thinner as a mom(although I am working on that self perception as one of my resolutions)...I thought I would be able to stay home with my kids and be able to go back to teaching after they started school...just different.
This really weighed on me until this weekend. I had to give myself a good swift kick in the booty and realize that my reality is such a blessing. Part of this kick came from watching the relief efforts in Haiti and realizing just how devastated of a place that is. I have contacted my students from there and their families are doing well. The other part of this kick came from news I got on a friend's baby girl who has Down's Syndrome. This family has been through everything...two adopted boys from Haiti one of which had Sickle Cell Anemia. They went through a bone marrow transplant several years ago with him. Then having a baby that they did not know had Down's Syndrome. And through it all they remain so focused on how blessed they are. Well today their little girl was admitted to Children's when doctors thought she is now having baby seizures.
This quote came to my mind when I heard this news:
"We can focus on the mud or lift our eyes and see the stars...."Elizabeth Elliot
I'm going to focus on the stars!!!
I do have something non running related...Friday was my birthday. I turned 31....yep 31. That number makes me want to be ill! It was kind of a melancholy birthday. Part of me is surprised at where my life is right now. (in a good way) I have a great job and am doing a lot of adjunct teaching. I have a beautiful daughter and a great husband. Plus I have done more in running than I thought I had in me! But there is always that side of me that is surprised at where my life is right now. (in a bad way) I had always thought I would live closer to my family...I would be thinner as a mom(although I am working on that self perception as one of my resolutions)...I thought I would be able to stay home with my kids and be able to go back to teaching after they started school...just different.
This really weighed on me until this weekend. I had to give myself a good swift kick in the booty and realize that my reality is such a blessing. Part of this kick came from watching the relief efforts in Haiti and realizing just how devastated of a place that is. I have contacted my students from there and their families are doing well. The other part of this kick came from news I got on a friend's baby girl who has Down's Syndrome. This family has been through everything...two adopted boys from Haiti one of which had Sickle Cell Anemia. They went through a bone marrow transplant several years ago with him. Then having a baby that they did not know had Down's Syndrome. And through it all they remain so focused on how blessed they are. Well today their little girl was admitted to Children's when doctors thought she is now having baby seizures.
This quote came to my mind when I heard this news:
"We can focus on the mud or lift our eyes and see the stars...."Elizabeth Elliot
I'm going to focus on the stars!!!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Happy Birthday Mom!!!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Some Things that Just Get Me A Little UGH!
Today was a great run and I got over 50 points to end the HBBC! I did 11 miles and I think that it was equal to that in temperature! It was cold but I really layered up and was really not too bad...until I stopped and shivered all the way home! My only struggle that I have to master before the half in Hyannis is how to get my GU out with gloves on. Any suggestions? I don't want to stop during the race because I am shooting for time.
While I was running, I almost got run off the road by at least 3 people who were...
none other than texting and driving! Now I know that I am a little out in the road but with about 2 feet of snow still hanging around I have no other choice. If they were paying attention, it wouldn't have been a friggin problem. This got me thinking about two other things that got me this week:
The other day while I was trying to sweat off that last half pound before weigh-in I was reading one of the gossip magazines. They had an article about how just the smallest change could help you lose tons of weight. They then had a bunch of women celebrities and their typical menu and calorie intake. Kelly Bensimon and many other equally rail thin women were saying how they just love food and eat over 2300 calories. They also said they do about 30 minutes of cardio 3-4 times a week. I'm calling bull honkey on them...There is no way most of these celebrities eat even 1300 calories in a day! I mean really!!!!
The second thing I was reading...actually in that same magazine I think was about Playmate Kendra and her plan to get back in shape. There was a line that said that she was lucky because the doctor did not have to cut her stomach muscles during her C-section so she will be able to get her flat stomach back soon......Umm I would love to meet this magic doctor then because I had a C-section and sure as hell they cut my stomach muscles! I thought that from the outside in order to get to your uterus to take the baby out you would have to go through some muscle. Is anyone else confused by this? If this is in fact true then I'm moving to LA and having this doctor do my next C-section...maybe he could get rid of my saddlebags while he's at it!
While I was running, I almost got run off the road by at least 3 people who were...

none other than texting and driving! Now I know that I am a little out in the road but with about 2 feet of snow still hanging around I have no other choice. If they were paying attention, it wouldn't have been a friggin problem. This got me thinking about two other things that got me this week:

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!!!
Yesterday I had to weigh in for a contest that I have been doing with my trainer. It began actually the same time the HBBC did about 8 weeks ago. The goal was to maintain your weight through the holiday. There were prizes for maintaining and prizes for whether or not you lost weight. I have to say that the HBBC helped my efforts A LOT! So yesterday morning I slunked into my trainers office and stepped lightly on the scale......VICTORY! I lost 5lbs!! I know that doesn't sound like a huge number to get in 8 weeks and Biggest Loser is not going to be breaking down my door but I am so excited with that...especially over the holidays!!! I have just 12lbs. to go for 2010!
I know a lot of you struggle with how many calories to eat...it seems sometimes like a mysterious equation depending on weight, height, activity level, color of hair....who knows! Last week I heard Dr. Oz say that you should eat your goal weight X 10. I began my week trying that...it meant that I should eat around 1300 calories. Well Monday I was doing my 7 mile run which I did with lots of pick-ups on the treadmill and at times felt faint. I just chalked it up to a hard workout. Tuesday I started getting hungry and had not a ton of energy for my workout. Wednesday I was cranky and hungry! I thought it was just because diets are not always fun. My workout was stinky and didn't do as many miles as I wanted. Thursday I woke up and decided that Dr. Oz should shut his mouth! No it just wasn't working for me! I asked my trainer yesterday and she said no way! That it was probably for someone who is not doing anything. Well that still leaves me with the mystery of how many calories to eat.....UGH!
This morning is my 11 miler...watching the news it is going to be a whopping 15 degrees!!! Bring it! Cape Cod in February is not a warm place and I need to get used to it! Wish me luck!!!
I know a lot of you struggle with how many calories to eat...it seems sometimes like a mysterious equation depending on weight, height, activity level, color of hair....who knows! Last week I heard Dr. Oz say that you should eat your goal weight X 10. I began my week trying that...it meant that I should eat around 1300 calories. Well Monday I was doing my 7 mile run which I did with lots of pick-ups on the treadmill and at times felt faint. I just chalked it up to a hard workout. Tuesday I started getting hungry and had not a ton of energy for my workout. Wednesday I was cranky and hungry! I thought it was just because diets are not always fun. My workout was stinky and didn't do as many miles as I wanted. Thursday I woke up and decided that Dr. Oz should shut his mouth! No it just wasn't working for me! I asked my trainer yesterday and she said no way! That it was probably for someone who is not doing anything. Well that still leaves me with the mystery of how many calories to eat.....UGH!
This morning is my 11 miler...watching the news it is going to be a whopping 15 degrees!!! Bring it! Cape Cod in February is not a warm place and I need to get used to it! Wish me luck!!!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Sometimes the Right Choices....
...are the hardest to make. I am a classic yesser....I say yes to anything especially if it has to do with work. I somehow have this problem where I just can't say no. Yesterday I finished my calendar for the next few months...it takes awhile for two reasons. 1. It is color coded (Are you really surprised?) and 2. As mentioned above I can't say no so it is really full. Well looking at my calendar, an old familiar feeling came back. Medical professionals would call it a panic attack...I usually call it my chest pain eye twitch phase. I do it every time!!! There are weeks when I will go days in a row and not see Emma ALL DAY!
Well since I cannot bag out on my commitments, I am going to go on as it is but I am coming to terms with some big decisions that I have to make this semester. About a month ago I put it out there that I was going to apply and begin a doctoral program in the Fall. I wanted to push through and keep going while I was already in school mode. The hope was that in just 3 additional years I would be able to have any job I would want as far as degrees. Part of this decision was a little selfish for me too. Many of the people that I work with are go-getters. They are on the rise and unfortunately are willing to step on any fallen soldiers on their way up the ladder. I did not want to be a rung on their ladder or even let them catch up. Well...they are not my family and their opinion is not what I should be caring about. I LOVE being a Mom and truth be told, there would be nothing more I would love than to pick just one part-time job (I have 3 in addition to my full-time job) and spend the rest of my time with Emma and focusing on my family. Even saying that I feel pulled....pulled by wanting to succeed and not miss out on an opportunity in one direction and pulled by the desire to be the best Mom and wife I can be in the other. With all that being said, I am deciding to put my doctorate on hold for right now. If I am meant to be a Doctor of Ed. somewhere down the road, it will work, but right now my focus and energy needs to be on making my family stronger. A year has flown by so fast and I would never forgive myself if 3 more flew by and I missed them!
Sometimes the right decisions are the hardest....why?
Well since I cannot bag out on my commitments, I am going to go on as it is but I am coming to terms with some big decisions that I have to make this semester. About a month ago I put it out there that I was going to apply and begin a doctoral program in the Fall. I wanted to push through and keep going while I was already in school mode. The hope was that in just 3 additional years I would be able to have any job I would want as far as degrees. Part of this decision was a little selfish for me too. Many of the people that I work with are go-getters. They are on the rise and unfortunately are willing to step on any fallen soldiers on their way up the ladder. I did not want to be a rung on their ladder or even let them catch up. Well...they are not my family and their opinion is not what I should be caring about. I LOVE being a Mom and truth be told, there would be nothing more I would love than to pick just one part-time job (I have 3 in addition to my full-time job) and spend the rest of my time with Emma and focusing on my family. Even saying that I feel pulled....pulled by wanting to succeed and not miss out on an opportunity in one direction and pulled by the desire to be the best Mom and wife I can be in the other. With all that being said, I am deciding to put my doctorate on hold for right now. If I am meant to be a Doctor of Ed. somewhere down the road, it will work, but right now my focus and energy needs to be on making my family stronger. A year has flown by so fast and I would never forgive myself if 3 more flew by and I missed them!
Sometimes the right decisions are the hardest....why?
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Veggies IBS Style!
Well I am feeling actually human today! I can't believe that strep throat kick my bootie like that! I am attributing it to the fact that before Christmas I was running on complete empty. I really ran myself down and then WACK I'm sick! Either way it is time to almost start the week again back to work (even though I am secretly hoping for just one more day with all this snow!) and I started again on my veggies!
I love love love salads but the most definitely do NOT love me back! Stomach cramps and countless other things that those with IBS know and love! When I started the HBBC I really wanted
to challenge myself to get in all my veggies every day. A friend of mine gave me this recipe and I am sharing it with you because I LOVE it! You take an veggies you want...I use zucchini, summer squash, onion, peppers, and baby bellas. The more you use the more you will have. You chop up all your veggies and put them in a roasting pan. Drizzle a little olive oil and lots of balsamic vinegar over the top. I season with a little sea salt and red pepper flakes. Then you bake it at 400 degrees for 1 hour. This is what comes out. It make look a little yucky but it is the bomb and it doesn't wreak havoc on my belly! I portion it out for
the week for my lunches and use the rest for a side for dinners during the week. You can do a lot with it for lunches. So far I have mixed it with a little quinoa for some protein. Also I have put it in a flax wrap with a little hummus and spinach...so yummy!
I can't believe the vacation is over...being sick stunk! However I am looking forward to getting back to my routine and reaching for my goal of losing 13lbs! This coming week, since I threw up a big whammy last week, I am going to reach for my highest total for the HBBC yet...it has one more week right??????
I love love love salads but the most definitely do NOT love me back! Stomach cramps and countless other things that those with IBS know and love! When I started the HBBC I really wanted

I can't believe the vacation is over...being sick stunk! However I am looking forward to getting back to my routine and reaching for my goal of losing 13lbs! This coming week, since I threw up a big whammy last week, I am going to reach for my highest total for the HBBC yet...it has one more week right??????
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