It's this time of year that I really feel for you non-teachers because it is just one more day until VACATION!!!! I am not going anywhere tropical or even all that warm but considering I spent my last vacation doing this: anything is better! Actually I am going to be heading down to visit my family with Emma for most of the week so as expected I am super psyched. I have my last meeting for my research tomorrow so the laptop will be staying home this trip! Just a lot of playing, visiting, and running! 1 more day!!!!! Yahoo!
Ok so 1/2 a pound....ugh! I will say that I haven't been as good as I should but I guess it is frustrating how good I actually need to be! So I had myself a cookie when I got home and tomorrow is a new day!
I still have a TON of work to do this week since my last meeting for my CAGS research is on Friday but then it is a sprint to the finish....that's right GRADUATION!!!! Booya! It has been a journey filled with ups and downs but that is a post for another day!
Just a few more days until Marathon Monday...gotta love living in's so exciting!
Ok so today was the official weigh-in for the contest at the gym....I don't even want to go there with regards to what I ate today. Let's just say my body will be happy to get back on track!
I have to be honest and say I am mortified to reveal my weight on here but.....honesty is the best policy! I am going to post some before pictures tomorrow since the hubs is out on a call tonight. My weight it 145.4....ugh but I am going to celebrate the fact that that number is lower than before I got pregnant and also 60lbs lower than when I had her....yeah do the math I was ginormous! The contest is 8 weeks long and I hope to come close to losing 10lbs...don't worry Mom I'll be safe! I lost 5lbs just by cutting the sugar through Lent so it can be done!
Tomorrow starts the fun so jelly beans for dinner!!!!
I have been trying to figure out what is going on with me lately and why I haven't been keeping up with my dear blog! Let the record show that I write a blog posts in my mind daily but they never make it here! I have come to the conclusion that it is probably due to the fact that I am finishing up my CAGS degree and in turn writing SOOOO many papers. A few weekends ago I locked myself in my parent's B&B and worked on projects for 2 days straight! It is coming to an end and in May I will be walking across the stage but I need to take the baby steps to get there! I have also made a difficult decision to not continue just now to a doctoral program. I have had a lot of personal stuff going on and I think that I just need to devote my time and energy to other places, like dating my hubby! Plus little Miss Emma is getting bigger by the second!
On a more positive note the weather here has been awesome lately and so Em and I have been out and about every day after school! I am kicking myself for not getting my jogging stroller fixed earlier...New England weather can change on a dime and a New Englander must always be ready! This weekend Em and I went down to my parent's house in RI. She had so much fun running around their yard and chasing her cousins everywhere squealing with excitement! Then my hubby met us down there for some Easter fun and egg hunt! Plus Easter was the end of my fast from sugar and boy did I overdo it! Can we say BELLY ACHE!!!!
I went for a run while I was there too which is probably one of my favorite things to do there! I absolutely love running there! I went on a slightly different route but failed to take into account all the rain that they got last week...oops! What was intended to be a 6 mile run turned into a 10 mile run! I was really having a great time though and I knew that Em was having fun with her cousins so it was easy to be away! It was a great weekend and it was definitely hard to go back to work!
Tomorrow starts another contest at the gym. You all know how I love me a contest so it is on like Donkey Kong!!! Back to no sugar and even more!!!! I will make sure I keep track of all of this and include my weekly stats! The prize is a $100 gift cert to Nordstrom! Di buys your bathing suit!!!! Bring it!!!