Finding Comfort at "Home"
Hi all! I was laughing to myself on my long run yesterday how I can sometimes be so predictable! Every time life gets crazy I head my parents house. There is just something comforting when all else is up and down in a place that basically never changes. Em and I headed down on Wednesday and I have been able to relax with my parents and sister's family. Running has been a trip there! I began it running on the track at the high school....watching my daughter and nieces run around on the football field where I once played many a games of soccer and cheered on the local football team in high school. I ran that track many a times for preseason. So many memories! Now it is very high tech...the local university asked the town to use it and thus gave it an extreme makeover but it still boasts the same MHS State Football Champs 1996 sign! For my long run I headed by the beach and down Bellevue Ave. For those of you who do not know Newport, Bellevue is the road where families like the Vanderbilt's once summered. Now there massive mansions remain for all to tour. A beautiful run but it was the surfers bobbing up and down on the waves at the beach, the tennis players pulling up for an early morning game, and the landmarks here and there that brought me back to the comfort of home.

I did figure out the speed thing and it kicked my butt! Of course I went faster than the plan said which was probably why it kicked so much but I think I just got lost in the memories of the place..watching another generation of family running the field! I need to find a track around me here...can't be running to RI every Wednesday to do speed work!
Fun fact....I won the Running Chics giveaway at Running Diva Mom! I have never won anything...I can't wait!!! Head on over to her blog here...she rocks and not just because I won!
I love going home sometimes. My mom always takes care of me! Sounds like a great weekend!
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