Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday Motivation

The beginning of this past week this verse brought tears to my eyes in a sad father was in the hospital again with another infection and my husband's grandmother was as well with a broken hip.  This verse reminded me that my hope is in the Lord and not on the things that I can see.  After this weekend (and my father coming home), I have read so many inspiring posts of many accomplishments of all of you and this verse brings tears of rejoicing!  PRs were made all over, 50 mile races conquered, challenges faced and rocked....things you may have never believed you would be able to do if someone had told you about them!  Hold onto hope....great things are coming your way!!!


  1. Love the quote!Glad to hear your Dad is home. Hold on to hope!

  2. many hugs and still prayers your family's way...

  3. So glad you have your dad back home. Thanks for sharing a great Monday quote, as always!

  4. Thinking you and your family...glad to hear your Dad is back home.

  5. Thinking of you and sending virtual hugs, Nancy!

  6. Oh Nancy sending you many hugs! Glad your dad is back home!

  7. Glad you dad is home and praying your husband's grandmother is on the mend.

  8. That's a nice quote. I'm sorry to hear about your family members. I'll def say a prayer for them. <3

  9. Thinking of you and saying prayers for your family. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful verse and reminding us all to hold on to hope!

  10. So glad your Dad is home and that you have your faith to comfort you. It is SO important to stay positive. Good for you for looking forward and upward.

  11. Oh, so glad your dad is home again; I really hope your husband's grandmother gets well too. This is what faith is for, isn't it?

  12. Prayers and best wishes to you and your family. Love the verse.
