Well no pr to proclaim...but a lot of pride in myself...a lot of reminding myself of where I have been and where I have yet to go!! This St. Paddy's Day instead of hitting the streets in Southie, I hit the streets in New Bedford for my 4th running of New Bedford Half Marathon. I wasn't sure how the weather would be (yes I watched the weather reports but you know this is New England and a lot of the course is along the water which equals cold wind) so I set out my clothes and hoped I would be warm enough!
Old Navy vest
Target socks
The day started off pretty normal and continued that way since this race didn't start until 11am! You know how I feel about late starts...no good! I would rather get up and get it done like I am with my long runs. Waiting around really just made me more and more nervous. I have run many half marathons (this was my 20th!!!) and I have run this particular race now 4 times but for whatever reason I ALWAYS get over-the-top nervous for this one. Maybe it's the hills (I'll get into that later) or maybe it is just that the race means more the more you put into it! Either way I was up with the ladies and spent the morning with them trying to keep my mind off the race ahead! Before I knew it it was time to suit up and head out the door to meet up with
Jill in New Bedford.
We also ran this for Jill's St Patrick's Day Virtual |
After getting our numbers and finding a warm spot to stand we waited around a bit before the start. Quickly it was time to head to the start and go! There were about 3000 runners and the starting line quickly filled with people trying to stay warm! Before I knew it we were counting down to the start and off we went!
Now while I normally would take off like a dart at the start, this race was all about covering the distance and not stopping...ever! The first 3 miles went smoothly but I still had the thought of those first 3...yes 3 all at once...hills. I remember turning to Jill and saying "Here we go!" I pushed...and pushed up those hills. I fought back the thoughts of stopping and I made it to the top of the last hill knowing the course was evening off.
I have to say miles 4-10 really went so quickly! I'm so thankful to have had Jill there with me! She was with me on my first race back after having Emma and she was LITERALLY pulling me faster over the finish line for this race back! There is just something I miss so much about running with my BRF...like the miles and time can just fly by in a blink while we catch up on life and laugh with each other! Our favorite sign was by far the one that said, "Smile if you peed a little on that last hill"! With this being my first big race back after having a baby 5 months ago I LOVED this!
Miles 10-13 were tough...mentally and physically mostly mile 12. We ran along the water for miles 10-11 and the wind was blowing right in our face...like the make my eyes water wind. I just kept my head down, turned on my music in one ear, and jammed out to the Harlem Shake until I saw it...my arch nemesis...the big, giant, stupid hill at mile 12 (one day you will be mine hill!!!). I put my head down and just plowed on smiling at Jill from time to time to let her know I was still trucking! I knew reaching the top meant a quick downhill to the finish (yes that hill IS that long). We hit the downhill and I let my legs go...rounding the corner I knew I had done it! I did it...I blew past my limits and smiled the whole way!! Jill grabbed my hand and pulled me even faster over the finish line!!
Not my fastest time here (1:52:12) but not my slowest here (2:34:05). I met two of my goals....I didn't stop and I was under 2:30. Next race I'm shattering that time....totally shattering it!!! I'm getting it back and I'm hungry for speed! Thank you so much for your support here and on Facebook and Instagram! It means so much!!!