Friday, November 1, 2013

October in Review

I've never really done a monthly review but there was so much going on around here in Fancy Nancy Land that I figured a review was the way to're welcome!

Main Event....By far the main event of October was that little miss turned the big O-N-E!!  I honestly had a blast planning her party and seeing it all roll out perfectly!! 

My MIL made a comment after the party that she hadn't seen me this happy in a while and when I reflected on that day, she's right!  It was just a perfect day of family and friends all there to celebrate our beautiful baby girl.  There was a moment during the party that I hadn't been able to recognize until after.  It was a moment similar to one I remember having one night when I was pregnant with Emma 5 years ago....I was able to look over the whole scene and realize this was what I had wanted all my life!  It has been a long time coming...getting through a fog of postpartum emotions after two girls, being uber busy, so many life transitions, and a few major heartbreaks...but there it was!  It is hard to put into words but there are these moments...blessings really...when you can look at your life and realize God has answered those prayers you uttered as a single girl just starting out! 

Running Totals...This month was a weird sort of in limbo month for running for me.  I'll talk about it more but I had just run ZOOMA the end of September and October was a little bit of a recovery month for me.  That being said I was happy to log 90 miles total putting me less than 100 miles away from another 1000 mile year!!

"I pick things up and put them down"....My hubby hates that Planet Fitness commercial but I think it's funny! 
This month I feel like I really got my love of weights back.  Yes you too can love weights AND running!!  Don't worry running!  You're still my #1!  Thanks to Best Body Bootcamp and a new kettlebell workout I really have loved my strength training in October!!  I'm looking forward to continuing it this month and see how my body reacts!

Where did Stella find her groove?...There are days when I want to stay in bed...or I turn off my alarm without realizing it like this morning...but this month I have felt like I have battled with this mind over matter of convincing my mind to tell my body to just move.  This month as I said has been a limbo type time for big races on the calendar and no major goals.  This is why I chose such a big goal for me for November mileage.  I want to push myself out of this place and start to see changes again! 

Nesting?...I've been in a weird nesting almost mode this month.  Perhaps it's the fact that we are staring winter in the face meaning more time in our house...meaning more time for me to do projects or the fact that we have now emerged from the first year with two children and I can finally breathe!  Whatever it is I have been really wanting to do some projects around the house...redo my bathroom (gray and yellow), jazz up the playroom downstairs (bring on the pink and green love!), getting things organized finally! Pinterest has been blowing up for me which always makes the hubby very happy (you do see the sarcasm here yes?!)

Winter Wonderland...Is it weird that I am looking forward to winter running?  I do love running in the Fall but there are today for example...where summer is just hanging on for dear life!  Today it is 65 degrees and humid....huh?  I'm actually looking forward to breaking out my Under Armour cold weather gear and heading out in the cold temps!  Winter tends to be a fickle friend around New England but I feel like I can enjoy it a bit out on the road...with my eye lashes freezing and nose icicles! 

Now what...I've been starting to look to 2014 and races that I have my eye on.  I have also been thinking of a theme for next year and I'm loving what the Biggest Loser has going on right now with their Second Chances theme.  Perhaps I need to revisit my only DNF this year???  It is still up in the air but I know I want to definitely continue my strength training and pick some goals for running that may cause me to squirm but will be worth it in the end!!!

How was your highlight of October?


  1. love how you had that "this is what i want for my life" moment- those are always the best.
    I don't think you're alone in the 'nesting' feeling- fall brings that out in myself as well :)

  2. Love her cake! It's gorgeous! Glad you had such a great day. I am looking forward to Florida winter running too. I wish I could love weights. I may give it another try after my Dec marathon. Happy November pretty lady!

  3. I like the idea of second chances. I've already booked some races for 2014 as well. The calendar is filling up!

  4. Your little lady is SO precious! And I love your description of the moment - I hope to feel the same way very soon! Congrats on being so close to a 1,000 mile year! That's definitely a goal of mine next year!

  5. Awesome mileage Fancy Nancy!! My October highlight was running the BAA Half after so little running due to injury!

  6. I'm so close to 1000! I've been thinking a lot about 2014. Endless possibilities and putting injury and recovery behind me :)

  7. what an amazing feeling!!! I love the colors you picked for the birthday party. She is adorable!

  8. How wonderful to be so happy and content. The birthday party pic is adorable!
