Monday, December 19, 2016

Monday Motivation

Wow a whole week and no posting!!!  Sorry about that!  This is a new week and new day to get started on the right foot!  I have been battling this week with what I think is round ligament pain which is making for a frustrating time physically.  I'm not good at slowing down but this week I have had to choose walking miles over running since even standing up straight at times has been a challenge.  However today is a new day and I'm sticking with my plan to just keep moving!  I will use the fresh start of each day to keep putting one foot in front of the other!!
What will you do with your new day??


    I've been ready and waiting for these fresh 24 hours :-)

  2. I hiked! Hoping your pain goes away. xo

  3. Dream big! That's what I'm doing as we speak. Love the endless possibilities and the feeling of a fresh start.

    Have a wonderful day Nancy!

  4. that round ligament pain is not fun, hope it gets better for you, active girls are hard to keep down!
