Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Three Things Thursday
This being my last Three Things Thursday of 2010 I am going to finish my things that blessed me this year. I started this a while back with running 1000 miles, staying injury free, and my running buddy Jill. Here are three more!
1. Feeling the love! This year was a challenge for my family but I can honestly say it has caused me to fall in love with my hubby all over again! I love him and the family man he is!! I am blessed to have him and our amazing family!!
2. School check!! This May I graduated with my CAGS degree and became certified to be a principal. This was a major challenge since it took me 2 1/2 years to complete and I had a new baby!! It was a blessing to walk across that stage with those I love there to support me! I was also blessed to make many friends along the way! Now I have so much extra time and this is such a blessing to hang with Em and know I have nothing hanging over my head!
3. Almost at fighting weight! This year I was blessed with an amazing trainer who kicked my bootie up one side of the room to the other. The blessing? I'm 11lbs lighter than before I had Emma!!! I know I still have a little way to go but I was so proud to reach that mark...if only the holidays weren't here!!
I hope you are enjoying your last few days of 2010....can you believe how fast it went?
1. Feeling the love! This year was a challenge for my family but I can honestly say it has caused me to fall in love with my hubby all over again! I love him and the family man he is!! I am blessed to have him and our amazing family!!
2. School check!! This May I graduated with my CAGS degree and became certified to be a principal. This was a major challenge since it took me 2 1/2 years to complete and I had a new baby!! It was a blessing to walk across that stage with those I love there to support me! I was also blessed to make many friends along the way! Now I have so much extra time and this is such a blessing to hang with Em and know I have nothing hanging over my head!
3. Almost at fighting weight! This year I was blessed with an amazing trainer who kicked my bootie up one side of the room to the other. The blessing? I'm 11lbs lighter than before I had Emma!!! I know I still have a little way to go but I was so proud to reach that mark...if only the holidays weren't here!!
I hope you are enjoying your last few days of 2010....can you believe how fast it went?
How has 2010 blessed you? Sometimes it is seeing the sun through the clouds!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Wordless Wednesday....almost
First let me apologize for the grouchy disposition from all honesty I had a great day dancing, racing, and playing with Em. Well this Wordless Wednesday is Fancy Nancy's 2010 in Review!!!...with a few non-running pics too like my girl...the family...oh and my action research paper that took 2 years to write and my graduation!!!! They are not in perfect order so I apologize...if it's any comfort my type-A personality hates that they are out of order too!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
TIck Me Off Tuesday!
Ok so I wouldn't say I'm ticked off...just a bit annoyed but annoyed doesn't start with the same letter as Tuesday so ticked off I am! There have been a few things between last night and today that have gotten my goat and I wanted to vent a bit...sorry!
1. Last night I walked into the gym...after a few too many days...and it is now a Work Out World. Ok so not too big a deal since I really only am using it for the treadmill and weights. The classes aren't convenient for people who work. Well the thing that irritated me was that I had to sign up for a contract with this new gym...initiation fee and all!!! I said to the woman at the counter..."So I have to pay an initiation fee to join a gym I am already a member at?" Her response was, "Well you are getting a great deal...unlimited tanning and free friends!" Well whoopee do...anyone want to go to WOW with me and get some skin cancer! Jokes aside I am a little pasty lately but who isn't in December! I have been to gyms before that have changed names and the current members were just switched over. It just rubbed me the wrong way to have to repay the initiation fee.
1. Last night I walked into the gym...after a few too many days...and it is now a Work Out World. Ok so not too big a deal since I really only am using it for the treadmill and weights. The classes aren't convenient for people who work. Well the thing that irritated me was that I had to sign up for a contract with this new gym...initiation fee and all!!! I said to the woman at the counter..."So I have to pay an initiation fee to join a gym I am already a member at?" Her response was, "Well you are getting a great deal...unlimited tanning and free friends!" Well whoopee do...anyone want to go to WOW with me and get some skin cancer! Jokes aside I am a little pasty lately but who isn't in December! I have been to gyms before that have changed names and the current members were just switched over. It just rubbed me the wrong way to have to repay the initiation fee.
Am I being too sensitive? Has this happened to you? Be honest!
2. Today Em and I made the big trek over the bridge, which she says is her bridge...add that to the list of everything else in the house! Gotta love 2 year-olds! Like I was saying we headed over the bridge to our favorite store...Target. Imagine me saying that in my best French accent! Well it was great but don't you just hate when the check-out people act like they would rather walk across hot coals than wait on you? I told her to promptly have a GREAT day as she ran away from the register as soon as she gave me my receipt. I worked in retail for a while and I know people can suck but can't you fake it?!
3. My father-in-law volunteered to play with the girl so I could go to the gym today, since a run outside would mean competing with 50mph freezing winds, and wouldn't you know sass-a-frass is taking her sweet time falling asleep. On our ride back to our house she told me she couldn't look for boats while we went over the bridge because she was too tired, but get her in her nice cozy bed and its party time! I am hoping Bumpa is still up for a playdate cause just reading over this post it's obvious that Momma needs to sweat a little!!
3. My father-in-law volunteered to play with the girl so I could go to the gym today, since a run outside would mean competing with 50mph freezing winds, and wouldn't you know sass-a-frass is taking her sweet time falling asleep. On our ride back to our house she told me she couldn't look for boats while we went over the bridge because she was too tired, but get her in her nice cozy bed and its party time! I am hoping Bumpa is still up for a playdate cause just reading over this post it's obvious that Momma needs to sweat a little!!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Well today is my last day off...I took the week off from running this week mostly because I was sick and couldn't breathe but it turned out to be a good thing. Now I am ripping to go for tomorrow. Hopefully this predicted blizzard won't keep me from pounding some pavement...or rubber on the treadmill!! I'm off to watch the Pats while our little nugget sleeps after a wild weekend of fun and family. I am leaving you with my favorite family pick this year! Gotta love the self-timer!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Merry Christmas Memories!
This is more of a combo of my "Moment" post for the week and my "Three Things Thursday" one day late. I was slumping...I mean jaunting through the mall last night and didn't get it in! So here are the past three years as a family of 3! You'll notice the exhausted/panicked looks on our faces in the first one since we had just gotten home from the hospital the day before with Emma...first time parents+Christmas=WTF are we doing!!! I wish you all joy this Christmas and holiday season! May you be surrounded by the ones you love!

Thursday, December 23, 2010
Run for the BLING of it!!!: Challenge
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Acrostic Time

Sinus pressure and foggy head
I'm going to strangle someone if I can't run soon
Can't stop coughing
Kicking myself for waiting until today to finish Christmas shopping
Sunday I woke up with a cold and today I think it may be turning into bronchitis! Ever since I lived in Spain (I got a bad cold and never went to the doctor...which ps they have some kick butt cough medicine there) whenever I get a cold it goes right to my chest. The only problem is that I am a terrible and stubborn sick person. I waited forever to go Christmas shopping and now I'm Mrs. Sicky Pants and want to just curl up in bed! Add to that that I haven't run yet this week and you have a very cranky sad Momma! I am hoping to sneak in a few stores between work and picking up the girl as well as some ondemand exercise tonight. I keep saying to myself that I need to take care of myself so 2011 can start with a bang. I have big plans for this next year!! Now if you will excuse me I have to go blow my nose!!!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Elmo love and the Making of a Monster
This weekend our little lovie turned 2! As much as I am itching to gush about how I can't believe how fast time has gone and how amazing she is, I am going to save that for another post complete with pics from her party. This post is for the party favors and cupcakes I made. Running had to take a back seat this weekend to baking. It was a hard choice but waking up on Saturday feeling like I got hit with the flu across the face made it easier! Today I was going to wake up and go run early but the raging snowstorm had another idea. I am hoping that tomorrow and on I will be able to reset and run.
Ok so I am getting off track...well if you have any holiday parties coming up that involve a cookie swap, you HAVE to try these cookies! They are Paula Deen Monster Cookies and while they may not be so great on the hips, they are oh so tasty on the lips! Click here for the recipe! Well they were perfect for an Elmo party...I mean Cookie Monster...Monster Cookies...well here they are in pics!
I'm sure there are healthier ingredients you could use but then it wouldn't be Paula Deen!
All mixed up and
ready to go...did I mention you use an entire jar of peanut butter?
They are seriously as big as my hand...each person got one

I also made my own cupcake stand out of boxes and polka-dots! It came out so cute!!! Oh and yes I made Elmo cupcakes...they were so fun!!
Ok so I am getting off track...well if you have any holiday parties coming up that involve a cookie swap, you HAVE to try these cookies! They are Paula Deen Monster Cookies and while they may not be so great on the hips, they are oh so tasty on the lips! Click here for the recipe! Well they were perfect for an Elmo party...I mean Cookie Monster...Monster Cookies...well here they are in pics!

All mixed up and

I also made my own cupcake stand out of boxes and polka-dots! It came out so cute!!! Oh and yes I made Elmo cupcakes...they were so fun!!
This party was so fun to plan! It is such a blessing to have the time to really get my craft on!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Friday Flipout
I can be so predictable sometimes....just ask my hubby! This morning I should have seen coming but for whatever reason it caught me by surprise. I overslept which meant I didn't have time for my early morning run (I have exactly 55 minutes to run at the gym and be home to shower before wiggle room really) which put me in a crabby mood. That snowballed due to the fact that I have gone into full fledged Martha Stewart mode making things for Emma's party on Sunday (which by the way is forecast for snow...of course). I am just pressed for time with only a few days left and all I really want to do is relax...enjoy the tree with my family...and run until I'm no longer stressed and tense. My hubby said sometimes he can almost see my thorns on a flower! I know it will all get done and I can't wait to post pics after...we're talking Elmo party extravaganza...but right now I'm a little stressed and coffeed out! Actually, though, just venting has felt good!
On a merrier note, we went to Edaville USA yesterday to take Em to see the lights, ride the train, and see the big man. She loved the train and kept saying Choo choo! The big man Santa....not so much! Once I get home I will post pics...very funny!
On a merrier note, we went to Edaville USA yesterday to take Em to see the lights, ride the train, and see the big man. She loved the train and kept saying Choo choo! The big man Santa....not so much! Once I get home I will post pics...very funny!
I hope you are having a great Friday!! Anything fun on tap this weekend?
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
What's Your Motivation?

Getting out of bed this morning was a toughie! The alarm went off at 4:25am...early enough so I can stay in bed until 4:30. I am doing a double workout today (am and pm) because I was a tired mommy on Monday and didn't go for my run. The hardest move is lifting the covers and putting my feet on the ground. After that I'm ok...not necessarily excited about the prospect of facing the treadmill but ok.
I was talking with a colleague this morning as I weighed in for our school's Biggest Loser Challenge (I am only down 3lbs...I need to restart the motivation after January). She was talking about getting motivated to get up early to workout or even to workout at all. It was that challenge that was her kick in the butt. It made me think about what motivates me. I tend to need a carrot dangling in front of my face...1000 mile challenge...weekly weigh-in. The twisted part is that right when I get to the carrot I pull it further away. I reached the 1000 miles and decided to try for to my first goal weight and decided to try for 5 more lbs. Crazy!
A healthier motivation for me is the people around me. I want to be healthy for my family. I want to be a good example for my daughter. All of the above! I addition to all of that, my good friend Jill is the kick in the butt I need! She is always ready for a challenge and has the plan to go with it! I tend to have to watch what I say to her because then its on! I love her for that!!
So what is motivating you? What gets you out of that cozy bed?
Saturday, December 11, 2010
This Moment...
{this moment} - A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see. Happy Weekend to you! Here is my moment...putting up the tree
Friday, December 10, 2010
You Know It's Friday When...
You know it's Friday when...
you arrive in your parking space at school on two wheels cause you tried to squeeze in one more mile at the gym and left 10 minutes late (no pic...that wouldn't have been very safe!)
you are sad to see the end of the coffee in your travel mug and wish it would magically refill itself
you look down to see black socks in your pair of heels instead of knee highs because it was all that was least they're black!
your hair needed extra tie and a headband (again probably because I tried to get in an extra mile this morning)
your lunch went from yummy, roasted veggies all week to pb&j and carrot sticks (no isn't much to show!)
you can't wait for the clock to reach 2pm so you can hightail it home to see your lovies!!! (I get out early on Fridays...yay!)

your lunch went from yummy, roasted veggies all week to pb&j and carrot sticks (no isn't much to show!)
you can't wait for the clock to reach 2pm so you can hightail it home to see your lovies!!! (I get out early on Fridays...yay!)
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Three Things Thursday
On my way to work this morning, before my daily call to Mom...yes I call my Mom every morning and love it!...I began to think about what my three things would be about today. Should it be three things I wish I had....or three things that confused me this morning...three things I wish I had done the night before so I wasn't running late...three things that annoy me about cold weather...
Then it hit me...the next few weeks are the last ones of 2010 and though it has been a tough year at times it has been a year of strength and goals. So for the next few weeks I am going to focus on three things each week that I am thankful to have done/accomplished/been blessed by.
1. Goals, goals, and more goals! This year it is safe to say that I have met just about all my running goals and I am so thankful for this!!! 1000 miles, 5k PR, 1/2 marathon PR DONE!!!
2. No injuries please! This year I am so thankful that I stayed injury free. I am not someone who is prone to injury, but as the years tick by and I get further and further from my 20s I know that each year without injury is a good one!
3. Running buddy love! Many years ago when I ran Boston I trained with a very good friend of mine. Let's just say things didn't go so well and I lost a very dear friend. Well this year I was blessed with an amazing running buddy that was not only a kick ass runner but an amazing woman and friend!

Then it hit me...the next few weeks are the last ones of 2010 and though it has been a tough year at times it has been a year of strength and goals. So for the next few weeks I am going to focus on three things each week that I am thankful to have done/accomplished/been blessed by.
1. Goals, goals, and more goals! This year it is safe to say that I have met just about all my running goals and I am so thankful for this!!! 1000 miles, 5k PR, 1/2 marathon PR DONE!!!
2. No injuries please! This year I am so thankful that I stayed injury free. I am not someone who is prone to injury, but as the years tick by and I get further and further from my 20s I know that each year without injury is a good one!
3. Running buddy love! Many years ago when I ran Boston I trained with a very good friend of mine. Let's just say things didn't go so well and I lost a very dear friend. Well this year I was blessed with an amazing running buddy that was not only a kick ass runner but an amazing woman and friend!

What did 2010 bring you?
Monday, December 6, 2010
Strong Starts
Well Monday always seems to come too fast! As a teacher though I have already started counting how many wake-ups until break...18 to be exact! It is even harder when the weekend leaves you wanting more! We finished up our weekend with getting a tree (We were going to see Santa come in on a fishing boat...very exciting for me...but the little lady woke up with a yucky stuffy nose so no go!). I love Christmas and everything about it but my hubby REALLY loves it! It is always so fun to see him around this time!

Yesterday my longish run was great even though my legs are still mad at me for doing so many walking lunges at the gym the other day! Going along straight was fine but the downhills was where they were screaming...note to self: Do walking lunges earlier in the week! Today I woke up ungodly hour for some...and headed to the gym to get in 5 miles. I think this is where my running funk is coming from. Sometimes the treadmill is really the "dreadmill". Got the miles in though and started off the week on the right foot even though I wanted to be snuggly in bed! Working this week on 3 early morning runs and 2 weight days. I am thinking of doing legs on the running days though. That way they won't be too sore for runs.
Oooh on a side note I am very proud of my money savingness yesterday. Since we have moved down here the groceries have been more expensive...just an added perk I guess. Well I have been trying my hardest to get under $100 for the week and I got it addition to saving $36 I also got a coupon for a free shutterfly album. SCORE!!!

Yesterday my longish run was great even though my legs are still mad at me for doing so many walking lunges at the gym the other day! Going along straight was fine but the downhills was where they were screaming...note to self: Do walking lunges earlier in the week! Today I woke up ungodly hour for some...and headed to the gym to get in 5 miles. I think this is where my running funk is coming from. Sometimes the treadmill is really the "dreadmill". Got the miles in though and started off the week on the right foot even though I wanted to be snuggly in bed! Working this week on 3 early morning runs and 2 weight days. I am thinking of doing legs on the running days though. That way they won't be too sore for runs.
How do you do strength training for your legs without it impacting your runs?
I am still working on some goals for the coming year...can't believe it's December!Oooh on a side note I am very proud of my money savingness yesterday. Since we have moved down here the groceries have been more expensive...just an added perk I guess. Well I have been trying my hardest to get under $100 for the week and I got it addition to saving $36 I also got a coupon for a free shutterfly album. SCORE!!!
Hope you all have a great Monday!!! How are you going to start your week strong?
Sunday, December 5, 2010
I (heart) Running

Oooh and a side note I think I found a race for the hubs and I...a partner race for Valentine's Day! We'll see!!
I hope today you are feeling the matter where it is coming from!!
Friday, December 3, 2010
An Apology To Free Weights
Dear Weights,
Please accept my deepest apology for ignoring you so badly for the last 2 months and know that it wasn't just my jiggly parts that has brought me back to you! Yesterday we had a moment...and if you will take me I will come back to you! You make me feel strong, powerful, and able to wear tank tops. We had come so far this summer....I'm sorry I ignored you in order to get more miles in. My only request is that you would show me some grace and not completely leave me a whiny mess of soreness tomorrow!
Your friend,
Fancy Nancy
hee hee....put in a great weight workout last night...boy doesn't it make you feel great?!
Please accept my deepest apology for ignoring you so badly for the last 2 months and know that it wasn't just my jiggly parts that has brought me back to you! Yesterday we had a moment...and if you will take me I will come back to you! You make me feel strong, powerful, and able to wear tank tops. We had come so far this summer....I'm sorry I ignored you in order to get more miles in. My only request is that you would show me some grace and not completely leave me a whiny mess of soreness tomorrow!
Your friend,
Fancy Nancy
hee hee....put in a great weight workout last night...boy doesn't it make you feel great?!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Three Things Thursday
I was trying to think of a general theme for today's three things but I am feeling quite random today so that is what you get!
1. Speaking of random, sometimes I see the weirdest things on my way to work but today's was the weirdest! I am out and on the highway by 6:30 so there isn't much action usually but today was a hoot! I drive by a nature reservation and I usually see a bunch of pick-up trucks there. Today I found out what those were...there were about 7 guys in their camo and orange vest surrounding the edge of the preserve holding their rifles and looking into the woods. I had two"Don't you have to go INTO the woods to get Bambi?"....two-If I was still back where we used to live this would have prompted me to call the police and have a lock down!. Today it just caused me to giggle!
2. Part of the reason I think my motivation is low is because I am working hard exercise wise and the scale laughs at me each morning! Part of this I know has been my eating...a little too heavy on the sugar...I am looking for new ways to get more veggies in my diet while still sticking to a budget. Any ideas...why is it so much more expensive to eat healthy? Shouldn't it be less?
3. My hubs has expressed interest in running a 5k which means I have gone into all out detective mode to find one for him! I can't even tell you how excited I am that he even wants to run!!! Of course I need to temper my excitement too...just because he said he would like to do one doesn't mean I have to talk about it every day!!! Can you tell I'm excited??!!
1. Speaking of random, sometimes I see the weirdest things on my way to work but today's was the weirdest! I am out and on the highway by 6:30 so there isn't much action usually but today was a hoot! I drive by a nature reservation and I usually see a bunch of pick-up trucks there. Today I found out what those were...there were about 7 guys in their camo and orange vest surrounding the edge of the preserve holding their rifles and looking into the woods. I had two"Don't you have to go INTO the woods to get Bambi?"....two-If I was still back where we used to live this would have prompted me to call the police and have a lock down!. Today it just caused me to giggle!
2. Part of the reason I think my motivation is low is because I am working hard exercise wise and the scale laughs at me each morning! Part of this I know has been my eating...a little too heavy on the sugar...I am looking for new ways to get more veggies in my diet while still sticking to a budget. Any ideas...why is it so much more expensive to eat healthy? Shouldn't it be less?
3. My hubs has expressed interest in running a 5k which means I have gone into all out detective mode to find one for him! I can't even tell you how excited I am that he even wants to run!!! Of course I need to temper my excitement too...just because he said he would like to do one doesn't mean I have to talk about it every day!!! Can you tell I'm excited??!!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Race Report...In Pictures

So my sister Amy is officially a runner!!! She finished her first race!!! Here are the pictures to prove it! It was a great race...definitely one I would like to do next you got to run by Plymouth Rock and the Mayflower...What's more American Thanksgiving than that?! Jill and Brian ran with us and my parents and nieces were our pit crew!! Added bonus...The 3 miles of the race were the last 3 of my 1000!!!
A Season For Everything!
Well it is safe to say that I have been a slacking blogger lately! I will say, if it is any comfort, that this has leaked into other parts of my life too! Like today when I headed out for a long run and turned around at the 3 mile mark because I just didn't feel like it! I am thinking of signing up for another race so that way I have something to train for.
I would be not only a bad blogger but an overall bad lady if I didn't stop to reflect on the things I am thankful for. I will post pics from Thanksgiving once I find my cord for my of the downfalls of moving! But this year we were at my parent's house and our usual tradition is to go around the table to say what we are thankful for. It is always an amazing time to reflect on the year and all the blessings God had showered us with. This year, if you have followed my blog, has been a tough one for me but on Thursday as I looked around the "adult" and "kiddie" tables I knew what I was most thankful for...God's faithfulness...
I'm leaving you with our Christmas was free so I just couldn't resist...
I would be not only a bad blogger but an overall bad lady if I didn't stop to reflect on the things I am thankful for. I will post pics from Thanksgiving once I find my cord for my of the downfalls of moving! But this year we were at my parent's house and our usual tradition is to go around the table to say what we are thankful for. It is always an amazing time to reflect on the year and all the blessings God had showered us with. This year, if you have followed my blog, has been a tough one for me but on Thursday as I looked around the "adult" and "kiddie" tables I knew what I was most thankful for...God's faithfulness...
- I was thankful to be standing there next to my husband who I love more and more each day! It has been a roller coaster year for our family, but we have landed on our feet and for that I am forever grateful!
- I was thankful for our little girl...healthy and happy terrorizing her cousins. There is not a day that goes by that I am not reminded just how blessed we are that she is healthy!
- I was thankful to have my Dad sitting across from me at the table. This year was the first time that I contemplated my life without him. I knew that God would bring him through but I wasn't quite sure how. But there he was crying (it is always a tearfest!) and actually eating Thanksgiving meal! I'm thankful Emma has more time to get to know her Papa Lennie!
- I was thankful for my Mom and sister Amy. They are my cheerleaders, my giggle friends, my solution finders! I am so blessed to have them!!!
- I was thankful for our two nieces and the amazing little girls they are turning into! I can't wait to see how they change the world!
- I was also thankful for the wonderful friends in my life...they weren't around the table but I still miss and love them!!!
I'm leaving you with our Christmas was free so I just couldn't resist...

Check out this entry I found on Shutterfly Holiday Photo Contest.
Check out this entry I found on Shutterfly Holiday Photo Contest.
If you could can you vote for Emma in the shutterfly contest?!!! She is on there twice!
If you could can you vote for Emma in the shutterfly contest?!!! She is on there twice!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Inactivity+Free Coffee=Restless Runner
Today I was at a conference for the whole day 2 hours away. I am the only person in my district qualified to do several things so off I went this morning to go through a training that I had already attended several years ago. Well 8-3 with 2 hours driving each way left my fat booty plastered to a chair way too long! Plus they gave us free coffee all day! I couldn't resist! I had brought with me my Run Like a Mother book so I was itching to get a few miles in but no go! Tomorrow I plan to go early to the gym and run. I'll feel much better after that!
Day 15: I am thankful today that I hit no traffic jams to and from the conference. The Boston area is known for ridiculous traffic and was actually expecting to spend at least 3 hours in the car. No traffic issues coupled with the fact that we got let out early, allowed for me to be home to see Em before bed! Yay!!
Day 15: I am thankful today that I hit no traffic jams to and from the conference. The Boston area is known for ridiculous traffic and was actually expecting to spend at least 3 hours in the car. No traffic issues coupled with the fact that we got let out early, allowed for me to be home to see Em before bed! Yay!!
A whole lot of thankfulness...
Ok so I haven't stopped being thankful...just can't stop falling asleep on the coach long enough to post it! The hubs and I were trying to figure out why we were so tired here and arrived at a few explanations including how dark it is here (no street lights), no neighbors to hear, no loud cars driving by...etc. Either way we have been getting our sleep on lately and so is Em. Apparently we need it! Yesterday morning was beautiful...bright sun and mild temps! I bundled up for my run but quickly shed the layers! So much has happened since my last post that it is going to be a bullet post...Today I am off to a conference...Yuck!
The week in review:
The week in review:
- Top of the list...The hubs and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary! Although the journey hasn't been perfect I wouldn't have wanted anyone with me than him! I love him!!! We went out for a great dinner during a date he planned start to finish!
- Love getting in long runs in the middle of the week...a day off Thursday to celebrate our veterans meant a nice long run in the am! Thank you veterans for sacrificing to keep us free!
- Em is continuing to crack us up every day! She seriously is getting quite the personality and it is so fun to see. Along those lines, the other day I went in to her room after she was supposed to be sleeping. Well walking in the smell hit me...oh no! Little Miss had done her business and proceeded to stick both hands in her diaper spreading it all over! I whisked her to the bath and the WHOLE bed got a bath too. Yuck! I guess its payback since I did the same to my Mom when I was young!
- I got to see my best friend Cindy the other day...Yay! We have been friends since 3rd grade and no matter how much time goes by between visits we still laugh our heads off!
- Running has been going great! I am excited to see the miles ticking off the 1000 mile challenge. I have a little over 25 miles left! Yahoo!!! I need to start getting in some miles in the am before work even though it is painfully early (5am). It will just help me to run and spend time with the fam.
Ok so I think I have rambled enough...hope Monday finds you thankful!!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Wordless Wednesday....almost

Day 3: I am thankful for time. This time last year I was completing my CAGS degree and was taking 3 classes, teaching a college course, and working full time. This year I have time to just play with homework, no projects, nothing tearing me in another direction. I can make things for dinner and not stress (too much). My what a difference a year can make...gone are the panic attacks and feelings of being an awful Mom. I now have time and I am forever thankful!!!
Speaking of time...needing something to get you moving this holiday season so you don't gain the traditional 5lbs.....join the Holiday Bootie Buster Challenge!!!
Speaking of time...needing something to get you moving this holiday season so you don't gain the traditional 5lbs.....join the Holiday Bootie Buster Challenge!!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
One for Sisterhood!
Well today, while I was playing hooky from work (Em's daycare was closed), we got a great surprise when my sister called and suggested that we meet up for lunch! Em is officially obsessed with her two cousins and so it was a no-brainer to go!
Day 2: I am thankful to now live close enough to my family that we can meet in the middle for lunch!!
It was great to see her and of course Emma talked about Maya and "OP" all the way there! The funniest was when I drove up to the restaurant, both girls were hanging out the window...looks like they are equally obsessed! I love how much they love each other! It is just so cute!
Plus my sister is going to run a RACE!!! That's right Amy I put you on front street so now you are stuck doing it! I am so excited and I know she will do great!
Day 2: I am thankful to now live close enough to my family that we can meet in the middle for lunch!!
It was great to see her and of course Emma talked about Maya and "OP" all the way there! The funniest was when I drove up to the restaurant, both girls were hanging out the window...looks like they are equally obsessed! I love how much they love each other! It is just so cute!
Plus my sister is going to run a RACE!!! That's right Amy I put you on front street so now you are stuck doing it! I am so excited and I know she will do great!
A Thankful Season
Although I should be thankful all year round, I am going to take this month to highlight things I am thankful for each day. Take the challenge if you may change the way you see your day to day happenings!
Day 1 (yesterday): So often in my life things seem to be a whirl wind of activity and change. Yesterday while on my run I realized that no matter how crazy life gets, God always places me back on my feet again. I am thankful for the way that life has landed me back on my feet in a safe place with my family!
On a side note, I heard on the news today that one of the Chilean miners are going to run the NYC marathon.....I now have no excuses not to run...the man trained while BEING TRAPPED IN AN UNDERGROUND MINE!!!!
Day 1 (yesterday): So often in my life things seem to be a whirl wind of activity and change. Yesterday while on my run I realized that no matter how crazy life gets, God always places me back on my feet again. I am thankful for the way that life has landed me back on my feet in a safe place with my family!
On a side note, I heard on the news today that one of the Chilean miners are going to run the NYC marathon.....I now have no excuses not to run...the man trained while BEING TRAPPED IN AN UNDERGROUND MINE!!!!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Three Things Thursday
So here it goes...
1. When suffering an IBS flare up one should steer clear of a brick workout...Last night I went to check out a new gym here. I was a little iffy on doing weights even though I am so guilty about how little I have weight trained since we got here so I decided to stick to cardio. 5k run, 10 mile bike, 5k run...all well and good if you are trying to ignore the stabbing pains in my belly. Ugh! I got it in though and am so happy about that!
2. Warm weather = funk buster! This week has been in the high 60s and Em and I have been hitting the pavement! We run to our favorite head home again! I have loved it. I have listened to your advice and am looking for a race a little ways out to train for. You were right. It does keep me focused.
3. Thankfulness coming your way! I want to start again focusing on the many blessings in my life so November will be my thankfulness month...who knows maybe it will last the whole year!
For now I'm thankful that tomorrow is Friday and this weekend holds the promise of moving the rest of our stuff into our new house! Yahooooo!
1. When suffering an IBS flare up one should steer clear of a brick workout...Last night I went to check out a new gym here. I was a little iffy on doing weights even though I am so guilty about how little I have weight trained since we got here so I decided to stick to cardio. 5k run, 10 mile bike, 5k run...all well and good if you are trying to ignore the stabbing pains in my belly. Ugh! I got it in though and am so happy about that!
2. Warm weather = funk buster! This week has been in the high 60s and Em and I have been hitting the pavement! We run to our favorite head home again! I have loved it. I have listened to your advice and am looking for a race a little ways out to train for. You were right. It does keep me focused.
3. Thankfulness coming your way! I want to start again focusing on the many blessings in my life so November will be my thankfulness month...who knows maybe it will last the whole year!
For now I'm thankful that tomorrow is Friday and this weekend holds the promise of moving the rest of our stuff into our new house! Yahooooo!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Welcome to Funky Town!
This week was a bust as I find myself taking up residence in Funky Town. It may be the weather or just me winding down from so much going on these past few months but I am in a FUNK! And let me add I am not liking it!
Not sure what my problem is but I only ran 11 miles this week! Not good!!! For whatever reason every time I sit still for more than 2 minutes I fall asleep. Tonight we were watching the Pats and Em was watching a movie and off I went to sleepy land! I'm sleeping enough at night...just a tired girl! The forecast looks good for this week so I am hoping to get in at least 5 days of running. Hoping this will break my funk! I am also looking at another race to train for. I am thinking that since I'm not training for anything then maybe I'm getting lazy. Any suggestions?
Not sure what my problem is but I only ran 11 miles this week! Not good!!! For whatever reason every time I sit still for more than 2 minutes I fall asleep. Tonight we were watching the Pats and Em was watching a movie and off I went to sleepy land! I'm sleeping enough at night...just a tired girl! The forecast looks good for this week so I am hoping to get in at least 5 days of running. Hoping this will break my funk! I am also looking at another race to train for. I am thinking that since I'm not training for anything then maybe I'm getting lazy. Any suggestions?
How do you break out of your funk?
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Fueling Days
Since I haven't joined a gym here yet, Em and I are doing our workouts together. We have begun a little tradition that has turned into something I am beginning to cherish! This little tradition has begun to be my own personal fuel...for those days when I am feeling a little shaky about our relocation. Those days when I want to whine about how everything is different and how much I miss my friends (...hint, hint) sneak in each week. Then comes the fuel....the reminder of what this move will do for our daughter and our family.
Our tradition is that Em and I go exploring each run. We...well I...find a place we want to go to and then run there. Usually it is to the park which Em has grown to love, but this week was the beach. There is a small, hidden beach about 3 miles from our house which I had found on a run alone one day. We ran there and when Em saw where we were, she yelled out, "BEACH!". She's just like her Momma! We spent the next half hour chasing seagulls, digging in the white sand, and collecting shells. It was a day that fueled my soul! We climbed back into the jogger with a fistful of shells and back home we ran!
Last year, my life was go go go. I was working 2-3 jobs, getting my CAGS degree, squeezing in runs, and always busy beyond belief. Many days I felt like life was slipping away from me. I am so thankful to have days to take a pit stop at the beach...or the name it! Who knows where this weeks adventure will bring us!
Our tradition is that Em and I go exploring each run. We...well I...find a place we want to go to and then run there. Usually it is to the park which Em has grown to love, but this week was the beach. There is a small, hidden beach about 3 miles from our house which I had found on a run alone one day. We ran there and when Em saw where we were, she yelled out, "BEACH!". She's just like her Momma! We spent the next half hour chasing seagulls, digging in the white sand, and collecting shells. It was a day that fueled my soul! We climbed back into the jogger with a fistful of shells and back home we ran!
Last year, my life was go go go. I was working 2-3 jobs, getting my CAGS degree, squeezing in runs, and always busy beyond belief. Many days I felt like life was slipping away from me. I am so thankful to have days to take a pit stop at the beach...or the name it! Who knows where this weeks adventure will bring us!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Today started my day with the mindset of no excuses...this week I am not going to let the weather or circumstances get in the way of my workouts. And of course today was that first cool, damp day where you just want to curl up in your jammies. Well praise the Lord for my hubby who played with Em while I went for a run when he got home.
About a mile into the run I realized that it was quickly getting dark and street lights in my new neighborhood are few and far between. Now I am a serious self-proclaimed scardy cat...we're talking hate the dark, Boogie Man under the bed scared. Even when I was younger, you could tell when I was home alone at night by the amount of lights that were on! Well today I hauled bootie to get in at least 4 miles before the street was too dark even though I felt like this:
I guess I just need to do my racing at night now since I maintained a 7:30 pace!
About a mile into the run I realized that it was quickly getting dark and street lights in my new neighborhood are few and far between. Now I am a serious self-proclaimed scardy cat...we're talking hate the dark, Boogie Man under the bed scared. Even when I was younger, you could tell when I was home alone at night by the amount of lights that were on! Well today I hauled bootie to get in at least 4 miles before the street was too dark even though I felt like this:

What brings on the speed for you?
Monday, October 11, 2010
10K for 10-10-10
So I am posting this a little late because we were at a wedding last night...probably us and half the world since it was such a popular date! The hubs and I partied like rockstars forgetting that we in fact are no longer that! Definitely dragging around today! Ahhh to be young again!
So I was going back and forth yesterday between running a 10 miler or a 10K. One meant I would need to go alone and the other included my trusty running companion Emma. My ultimate decision was made because my Hubby has always been so good about letting me run whenever and for how long I want and I thought he deserved some gym time! So I bundled up the girl and out the door we went to celebrate this cool, autumn day!
Yes I am not beyond saving her favorite snack for my runs! Veggie Sticks!
So I was going back and forth yesterday between running a 10 miler or a 10K. One meant I would need to go alone and the other included my trusty running companion Emma. My ultimate decision was made because my Hubby has always been so good about letting me run whenever and for how long I want and I thought he deserved some gym time! So I bundled up the girl and out the door we went to celebrate this cool, autumn day!

I didn't go for a certain time but I wanted to keep it under a 9 minute mile. I have been trying to push myself more and more each time. However, today was a different run for me. I started off and began to remember a eulogy that I heard a few weeks ago while sitting at a funeral for a childhood friend who died far too young. Her husband said beautiful things about his wife but what stuck with me was how he credited her with showing him how to slow down and enjoy life. So I took this run to do just that. We stopped to look at the leaves, the beach, the fuzzy caterpillar lumbering by. We made a pit stop half way to get in some swinging and slide time at the park. We stopped to greet every neighborhood dog. We sang songs way off key at the top of our lungs and counted to 10 more times than normal. My pace....well it was under 9:20....but the time we had together was priceless! It was a beautiful morning and a gift I promptly thanked God for...many times!

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