I would be not only a bad blogger but an overall bad lady if I didn't stop to reflect on the things I am thankful for. I will post pics from Thanksgiving once I find my cord for my camera...one of the downfalls of moving! But this year we were at my parent's house and our usual tradition is to go around the table to say what we are thankful for. It is always an amazing time to reflect on the year and all the blessings God had showered us with. This year, if you have followed my blog, has been a tough one for me but on Thursday as I looked around the "adult" and "kiddie" tables I knew what I was most thankful for...God's faithfulness...
- I was thankful to be standing there next to my husband who I love more and more each day! It has been a roller coaster year for our family, but we have landed on our feet and for that I am forever grateful!
- I was thankful for our little girl...healthy and happy terrorizing her cousins. There is not a day that goes by that I am not reminded just how blessed we are that she is healthy!
- I was thankful to have my Dad sitting across from me at the table. This year was the first time that I contemplated my life without him. I knew that God would bring him through but I wasn't quite sure how. But there he was crying (it is always a tearfest!) and actually eating Thanksgiving meal! I'm thankful Emma has more time to get to know her Papa Lennie!
- I was thankful for my Mom and sister Amy. They are my cheerleaders, my giggle friends, my solution finders! I am so blessed to have them!!!
- I was thankful for our two nieces and the amazing little girls they are turning into! I can't wait to see how they change the world!
- I was also thankful for the wonderful friends in my life...they weren't around the table but I still miss and love them!!!
I'm leaving you with our Christmas cards...one was free so I just couldn't resist...

can never go wrong with a heart ful of thankfulness! love the christmas cards!