Monday, June 2, 2014

Monday Motivation

Coming from the amazing Joan Benoit Samuelson, this quote speaks volumes to me.  Here is a woman who has done amazing things in the field of running...and yet she can look upon failure as a way to grow stronger!  I remember listening to Bill Rogers at an event a few years ago.  He joked about how many times he won the Boston Marathon in conjunction with how many times he didn't finish it!  You look at accomplished runners...lifters...bikers...triathletes and you forget that in their day to day...they fail too!  The difference is that they don't let it define them...they get STRONGER!  I can feel myself getting stronger each week...learning more...and knowing that failures are just a way to grow!
Use that fall as an opportunity to grow even stronger!!!


  1. Love her! Great way to look at things :)

  2. I was just teaching my kids this lesson over the weekend. Failures are only failures if you let them be, otherwise all they really just lessons in disguise :) Have a great monday!

  3. I love her too -- at the Boston Marathon in 2012 I was struggling with my race plan, saw an older women (even older than me) just ahead of me -- and got even more discouraged. Got a little closer and realized in was Joanie and then I was like "daaaaang, I'm am kicking butt next to an running legend" . . . then found after the race she was taking it "easy" to run with her daughter. But. Still.

  4. no matter how many times you fall down, just get back up!

  5. I need to mash that quote into my cranium this week for sure...

  6. I'm trying Nancy! With all that I've got!

  7. Yes! It's always inspiring to remember that top athletes fail too, or doubt themselves, or have off days... great quote!

  8. Amen. Failure is really showing us who we can be, and the success is that much sweeter.

  9. Such a great quote. Definitely needed this week!
