This is the third year that I have run
Newport 10 Miler and I have to say it is one of my favorite races every year!!
Not only is the scenery gorgeous during the race but it is my hometown which and friends...running my old routes...being back in my hometown for a weekend! I'm sure the girls didn't mind jumping on the trampoline for hour with their cousins either!
My big sister was kind enough to not only grab my bib but also have the ladies sleep over her house so that I could get up and going early on Sunday! We put the girls to bed...watched a little Chris Powell and I had my outfit laid out and was tucked in snug early!
I slept awesome and almost didn't wake up!! A quick breakfast and coffee and I was headed to Fort Adams to meet up with fellow blogger
Samantha and her super sweet friend!
It was great to see someone there and catch up a bit before we were headed to the start line.
I had a big goal for this race...even though I never made it public! I really wanted to get in under 1:25. With the way I was training prior to Ragnar I could have nailed it no problem, but Ragnar had left me tired and honestly I was having a hard time picking up the intensity. Needless to say I was nervous stepping up to the start line on Sunday! The course takes you up and out of the Fort, by Hammersmith Farm (the former summer home of Jackie Onassis and JFK), and along the Ocean Drive before it takes you down Bellavue Ave which boast all the mansions. From there we make our way back to Fort Adams.

Since I have run the race twice before I knew what to expect...some rolling hills in the beginning and some big dogs at the end...just my luck they save the hills to the end! Knowing this I had a plan...go out at a faster pace than what I needed to do and bank some time for when the hills hit. At first it worked out great (plus I am HORRIBLE at starting out conservatively...right Jill?!). My first two miles clicked in at 8:00 and 8:02. I continued to run sub 8:15 min miles right up until about mile stomach was being very cranky on me (I got some great advice that I can't wait to try out...hoping it will be the end of the cranky stomach). I saw my sister and my favorite cheering section around mile 7 (Aubs hugged my leg and said "Congratulations Mommy! You did it!)...

and that was what I needed to focus on the first big hill ahead! I had my BRF Jill in my head...just keep your eyes forward and pick up your knees! I went cone by cone until I felt the strain lift from my quads and back down the hill we went! We hit mile 8 and I looked at my watch....if I kept the pace I was at then I would have no problem getting my goal! What remained was a mental battle between my head and my heart! My head was saying, "Ummm hello lady we're tired here!" but my heart was saying, "You have worked too hard to give up now!". I think I promised myself everything short of a pony if I just kept going!! won't have to run for a can have a big ice cream...a pedicure can be in your future...whatever it took to not stop!! Back up the hill I saw the 9 mile marker and I knew I had it in my sights!!!

Through the tunnel (ummm Mr. Gray one complaint...can you please stop moving the finish line? Every year it is somewhere different and it messes with me every time!) and push to the finish!! It wasn't pretty but I DID IT!!! I looked down at my Garmin to see
slightly faster than the official time but still UNDER 1:25!!! I was so excited!!!!! Looking back over the results I found out I was 35th in my age group of over 300 women (of course it got me that there were 4 girls in my age group that finish literally a second before me...ugh!)! I ran into fellow ZOOMA girl
Jess at the finish line...said my goodbyes...and headed back to my parents for some rest!
I would highly recommend
Newport 10 Miler to anyone looking for a race in RI to do! It was very well organized...BEAUTIFUL to run...and not expensive! They have great finish line snacks and even a beer garden sponsored by Harpoon! Plus they moved it to June which makes it a great time to make a weekend of it! I honestly look forward to this race each year!!!