Monday, March 27, 2017

Monday Motivation

Last week I struggled to get up and out the door for my morning gym time...and it showed in my mood and feeling about this pregnancy in general.  We all can lose sight as life starts to ramp up how amazing a workout can make us feel...a feeling that lasts all day!!  This morning my bed was so alarm so easily went under my pillow...but I pulled myself up and out the door!  Boy can I feel the difference!!!  Get out and move will thank yourself later!

Friday, March 24, 2017

Flashback Friday

I was looking over old posts in preparation to talk about a new post I have been thinking of, and I came upon a post I wrote about an event that I went to with Jill with Saucony before the Boston Marathon.  It was certainly an event I will never forget but as I looked at the pictures I found one of Dani, Samantha, Amy Veronica, and I.  Why is this picture significant?  Well it was awesome to see where life has taken us after...they are some of my great friends and women I know have my well as women I know will encourage me through anything!  Blogging is a funny thing are really talking to a computer most times...but if you get really lucky you make amazing friends along the way!!!  Here's the post from the Saucony event!

#FindYourStrong Saucony Event (LOTS of pictures!)

The amazing FFA Dorothy Beal gave us all the heads up about an amazing event in Boston on Friday.  It is hard to put into words what this event meant to me and I probably will spend the rest of the week trying to do just that.  It came at a perfect time for me in my life!  A HUGE thanks to Dorothy for the information and Saucony for hosting such an awesome event!!
I brought along my BRF Jill since I knew she would love it as much as me!  We took the T from Malden and got to Cyclorama WAY early so we headed to a cute restaurant next door called Sibling Rivalry for drinks (Jill not me) and a bite to eat.

Inside the event Saucony had lined the walls with people's "strong".  Seriously...I was chocked up just roaming the pictures and tweets.  As the years go by I realize just how much running is a part of me.  This was just the beginning of an inspiring night!

The speakers were no less than inspiring as well!!  First up was:
Luis Escobar
He was there to talk about memories of Micah True and to share his message of Running Free.  It was a moving time since Micah was such a huge part of the Saucony and running family.  
Mark Herzlich
Former BC football player who was diagnosed with bone cancer in his Junior year at BC.  He talked about "never accepting defeat" and how he ran out on the field at BC his senior year after beating cancer in his leg.  He went on to play for a certain NFL team that we New Englanders don't think too highly of (NY Giants).  The message that stuck with me from him was doing all it takes to get back to who you know you are.  He is a football player and he wasn't going to let cancer take that away from him.
Karen Smyers
A world champion triathlete from Lincoln, Massachusetts who persevered through numerous injuries and thyroid cancer.  Her message of persevering and positive thinking was an inspiration to dig down during those tough miles...tough days and be the champion you know you are.
"Boston" Bill Rodgers
I learned so much about this local running legend.  Like how many times he DID NOT finish Boston.  It made my DNF from this Winter not seem so bad.  His quirky stories had you laughing and connecting with him!  His big message...You can ALWAYS have a comeback!  I'm banking on that one Bill...after baby comeback!

After we mingled and were able to connect with some of my AMAZING fellow FFAs and friends!  It was so great to talk with these ladies in person!!  More to come on this awesome event!  They should have these at least once a month!!
DaniSamantha, me, Amy, and Veronica

Monday, March 20, 2017

Monday Motivation

I have always been honest on here but lately I have been avoiding writing posts...avoiding coming clean with how I have really been feeling lately because I don't want to come across as complaining or being negative.  The truth is that I have been really struggling, especially lately as we inch closer and closer to the little man coming.  I have been struggling with how I feel...that I am too big...and honestly have gotten to the point where I have been avoiding mirrors all together.  At 5'2" there is not much space to put the extra weight that carrying a baby brings and I have never been one of those people who just gains weight in their stomach...I gain everywhere.  Couple that with the fact that most comments directed at me lately on an almost daily basis are things like, "You can't hide anywhere!" and "Wow look how big!" and you have someone who currently just wants to hide.  Please hear that I am so over-the-moon excited to have this baby and know that I am blessed to carry him...but the toll it takes on my body each time has left me very anxious and at times even depressed.  This week I am taking a baby step (pardon the pun!) to accepting my reflection in the see the mom my girls see in front of them (They are always the first to say, "Mom you look beautiful!" see the miracle within me and let it shine to the outside.  We fall into these traps of expecting to see a certain reflection in the mirror that we struggle when it is not there staring back at us.  Maybe what we should be doing is reflecting things that differ...let our light shine out...embrace our unique beauty!  Let your beauty shine today!!

Monday, March 13, 2017

Monday Motivation

Extreme fatigue...sore joints...funky balance...weight gain...just some of the fun side effects of pregnancy...side effects that could justify me staying home instead of braving the cold to get to the gym.  They could be my excuse to put fitness on hold for a while and trade it in for some extra sleep...but my goal to have a fit pregnancy is my reason I push myself to stay active NOT my excuse!  We all have things in life that could very easily be an excuse why we can't get active and be healthy...we all have things that could justify why we can't.  My challenge for you is to not use those as excuses but rather your reason why to push through!!  You can tackle this week no matter what it throws at you!!!

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Let's Talk Training

I've been trying to find a good balance between my innate desire to push myself while also being mindful of allowing my body to rest at 7 months let's be honest our 4 year-old keeps me running!  I have really been trying to stick to the early morning routine that I have grown to crave.  There are times where it is really hard to get up and get out the door, but once I do I feel so much better!  Running, while I am able to still do it in small doses, is still really uncomfortable so I have been trying to find other ways to move without hurting myself.  The way I see it, running isn't going anywhere so if I need to take a little time off then so be it!  My goals have been to get in at least 3 days of weight workouts and 2-3 of cardio depending on how I feel.  Here is how last week shook out for me!

Monday: 30 minutes on the treadmill...10 min warm-up, 10 minute intervals, 10 min cool down
                30 minutes kettlebells

Tuesday: Cardio...30 minutes on the elliptical and 20 minutes on the treadmill walking
Wednesday: Back to the treadmill and kettlebells...I've kept the same routine for both.  The sun finally decided to come out too so I was able to make it outside for a walk at lunch.

Thursday: rest day...I definitely slept in after mini-chickie waking up through the night!
Friday: You guessed it!  Back to the treadmill and kettlebells!
Saturday:  It was frigid out and the wind was whipping but mama needed some time OUTSIDE without children!  I walked around our neighborhood and even threw in intervals to break it up!

Sunday: Rest time!! 

How was your week?  How do you listen to your body when you need the rest?

Monday, March 6, 2017

Monday Motivation

This weekend I was standing in our basement...unloading what felt like the 1000th load of laundry and suddenly I felt like I couldn't breathe!  No it wasn't my ever growing belly making me out of breathe it was pressure...mostly that I put on do it all for everyone.  Before getting pregnant, and even throughout my first trimester, each Saturday morning I would wake up early and head out to meet friends (or solo) and run.  Once running became painful, this stopped.  What I didn't realize was how much that time was doing for me...not just keeping me physically healthy, but mentally as well.  Being a mom who works outside of the house, I often times feel guilty if I also leave Saturday morning to do something for myself...but after talking with my husband that despite the frigid temps I really needed to go out for a walk, I felt so much better.  The freezing wind was filling my lungs and also my soul...filling my tank so that I could go back and be the mom my girls needed me to be.  It's not selfish to do things for's necessary!  Take the time to fill your tank...or you'll be useless to those around you!!

Thursday, March 2, 2017


I apologize for my lack of posting...procrastination at its finest!  I have a lot of great posts circling in my mind but I just need to take the time to write them all out! What better way though to get back to writing than with a little randomness!

Running update bumpdate...Last week I decided to try to run again.  I was experiencing a lot of pain as my belly grew and running was super uncomfortable.  After having a major identity crisis....I mean what kind of runner doesn't run...I decided to try and throw in some 1 min intervals while I was walking.  It felt at 27 weeks with baby #3 I am no gazelle but at least I am moving faster than a walk.  I kept going and after 1 min on and 1 min off for 30 minutes I felt awesome!  I've done it a few times again since.  I can't say it is consistently a good experience (one day I felt like everything was going to fall out...sorry tmi) but I am willing to keep going as long as there is no pain. 

Lent...Each year I pick one thing to give up for Lent.  I usually try to pick something that is causing me stress or to feel badly.  This year I chose sugary treats...
I have posted before about it but this pregnancy I have really loved the sweet treats.  I have tried to cut back but I always seem to crave them and then I have something that I try to justify with just being pregnant.  I know that this is not only not healthy but it is a habit that will be even harder to break when little man is here.  So for the next 40 days I am going to give up sugary treats...I'm staring my cravings in the eye and walking away!! 

Dr. Seuss...This week at school we are celebrating Dr. Seuss.  The different grades are doing different things so with my students we have been doing really fun projects and activities centered around his books.

Seriously it has been one of the most fun weeks this year!  I have found it so easy to plan and prep...not to mention how much fun the kids are having.  It has gotten me thinking...we focus so much on achievement and progress in testing that I feel like we need weeks like this to remind us that learning...especially in elementary fun!  What is a fun memory you have from school?