Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Let's Talk Training

I've been trying to find a good balance between my innate desire to push myself while also being mindful of allowing my body to rest at 7 months let's be honest our 4 year-old keeps me running!  I have really been trying to stick to the early morning routine that I have grown to crave.  There are times where it is really hard to get up and get out the door, but once I do I feel so much better!  Running, while I am able to still do it in small doses, is still really uncomfortable so I have been trying to find other ways to move without hurting myself.  The way I see it, running isn't going anywhere so if I need to take a little time off then so be it!  My goals have been to get in at least 3 days of weight workouts and 2-3 of cardio depending on how I feel.  Here is how last week shook out for me!

Monday: 30 minutes on the treadmill...10 min warm-up, 10 minute intervals, 10 min cool down
                30 minutes kettlebells

Tuesday: Cardio...30 minutes on the elliptical and 20 minutes on the treadmill walking
Wednesday: Back to the treadmill and kettlebells...I've kept the same routine for both.  The sun finally decided to come out too so I was able to make it outside for a walk at lunch.

Thursday: rest day...I definitely slept in after mini-chickie waking up through the night!
Friday: You guessed it!  Back to the treadmill and kettlebells!
Saturday:  It was frigid out and the wind was whipping but mama needed some time OUTSIDE without children!  I walked around our neighborhood and even threw in intervals to break it up!

Sunday: Rest time!! 

How was your week?  How do you listen to your body when you need the rest?

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you have been doing great staying active which I know is no easy feat right now! I ran a half marathon on Saturday which was awesome! I think its been over a year since I ran one!
