Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Workout Wednesday

Once I hit the point in this pregnancy where running was causing me more stress and pain than any benefits, I turned to finding ways to use HIIT workouts and weights to stay active and burn all the crazy off! 
I began using a training plan that was having me lift a lot of heavy weights, which at the time was helping me feel awesome!  I was able to maintain the muscle that I had and I was leaving the gym sweaty and with that spent feeling I loved after a long run or speed work.  However, not being a trainer, I got to a point where I was doing/lifting too much (hello weight Russian Twists at 20+ weeks probably not smart) and I had to scale back.

Sticking with my goal of staying active and maintaining as much strength/core strength, I started then using kettlebells more in each workout.  I started using kettlebells after I had our second daughter and loved the way I felt stronger and tighter through my core. 
The past few weeks I have been part of a 30 Day Challenge with Fit Mom Strong Mom.  I love the way that Jen started us by taking us back to basics...lunges, squats, nothing fancy but boy is it working!  Even though I'm pregnant doesn't mean I don't crave the feeling of an awesome workout or sore muscles! 

This is the third week and not only am I excited to be back exercising after a nasty cold but I'm just loving that I am still active now in my 8th month! 
My goal is to take each week as it comes....and really would love to be sweating it up at the gym the day before I go in! 

1 comment:

  1. Here are 10 creative non-shake protein powder recipes:
