Thursday, January 6, 2011

Three Things Thursday

So looking at my goals for 2011 I know that the most challenging for me will be to lose at least 13lbs. I have started the book "Racing Weight" since I have heard so much about it on bloggy land and am beginning to form a plan. Since I fell face first into the sweets and anything bad during the holidays, I have since cut out sugar (like candy, etc. not fruit) and white flour, and have increased my water intake. My Three Things today are things that I need to make sure that I do in order to stay on track...

1. Stay OUT of the teacher's room!!! This is a dumping ground for all the treats and snacks that no one wants in there house anymore. Like I had extra cupcakes from Em's party and I brought them in knowing someone would eat them.

2. Be prepared!!! Right around 2:30pm I am tired and starving...I need to make sure I pack healthy snacks so that I can have something and not turn to crap or worse wait until I get home and eat my face off!!! This will take planning...any suggestions for good snacks?

3. Food log and weigh-ins! I am horrible at keeping any kind of log...diary, running log, food log you name it! I know it will keep me on track and show me what I am eating. Also our school is extending their Biggest Loser Contest to the Spring so I am going to be weighing in weekly which will keep me focused since I have to pay for each lb I gain.

I can't wait to see how fast I can be with the right nutrition and weight!!!


  1. Oh I know ALL about that dreaded teachers room. Totally guilty of leaving things there myself :)

  2. I am a snack machine, but of the healthy variety because like you I get hungry around 2:30/3:00. My preferences usually involve nuts of some sort. My faves would be Kind Bars in Nut Delight and Emerald Cocoa Dusted Almonds. Yum-o!

  3. I know how hard it can be to stay away from sweets. I love everything sweet: candy, chocolate, you name it - I eat it! I know you can kick your weight goal in the butt - good luck!!!

  4. I usually eat healthy snacks (fruits or veggies or nuts) every 2-3 hours, this helps me from starving around lunch 2-3pm. You can do it!!

  5. Ha, I remember the teacher's lounge...the worst. I would just stuff my face...if it was there, I ate it. And the 5th grade teacher next to me always kept a candy drawer for us 2:45ish, I would just sit down at my desk and stuff my face some more. And all that candy the kids give you on valentine's day....uggg, a death sentence. ;) What grade to do you teach again?

  6. I want to hear more about 'racing weight' - that sounds like a great book. I was so bad - I would bake and just bring it to the lounge so that I could eat one and then get it out of my house! No help to anyone!

  7. Teachers lounge sounds like the breakroom at my work. People bring things in every day! Keep your treats at home people!

  8. I did enjoy that book, but also felt it didn't really say anything I didn't I guess it was probably just a good reminder for me too to get away from all the sweets! I am so glad the holiday season is over and I'm trying to focus on lots of whole foods
