Monday, January 31, 2011

Weekend Wrap-Up

Good morning all! Thank you so much for all of your input on my broken scale situation! It is funny, many of you said to ramp up the weights and then I read in about three different magazines this weekend about how weight training can help with running. Message received....I am adding at least 3 days of weights! I am going to try my hardest to stick to this. I was thinking back to this summer when my weight was almost at my goal and at what I was doing. I was running a lot but I was also doing a lot with weights, TRX, and bootcamp type classes. Although I haven't found any classes like that here, I can still do weights and try to mimic those workouts. Hopefully it will result in smaller numbers on the scale but it will definitely get me back to my toned self. I like weights...I'm not sure why I have strayed so far!

This weekend was crazy and I spent a large chunk of it doing one of my other jobs. I teach at a college...actually one that I used to go to. I do a weekend course there now since I moved far away. I got up there Friday night, taught, and did the same on Saturday. I felt like a good doobie though since I utilized the hotel gym on Saturday am to get in some miles! It makes the weekend go by way too fast and I really hate leaving my family like that. On the flip side, I enjoy teaching adults and it is always cool to be teaching in rooms where I was once a student!

Now it's back to the grind! Little Em was running a temp all week so this could be a short work day for me if she wakes up with it again. I feel bad that she is feeling cruddy but loving the snuggle time with her! Have a great Monday!!!


  1. If I coul find a bot camp class hee, I would be on it! I feel you--I think its easier to keep your weight down in the summer too--I just want to be more active!

  2. sounds like a busy weekend. thats sweet you teach at a college btw. Love the pic at the top and thanks for your comment about work/life balance.

  3. I hope it helps! I'm just trying to do it 1x/week. Hopefully I can get in a groove and do it more often like you!
