Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday Motivation

The turkey is long gone, the Black Friday deals have been had....and now it's Monday again.  Now is the time to get back on the train to FitTown!  What are you going to do today to get back?


  1. I ignored the pumpkin cheesecake in the fridge, and had a bowl of cereal : )

  2. I'm going for a run...I gotta get rid of the broccoli/rice casserole sitting on my thighs!!! LOL

  3. I really slacked last week so other than creeping the blogs I missed out on I'm going to jump on the treadmill and give-er, the weather has been unbelievable for the end of Nov. so I'll most likely take the boy and dog outside for a good frolic!!!

  4. Sole Sports group run w/ my friend Julie tonight! Six miles :)

  5. Some running/weights training and TRYING to get back on track with the eating! If it's pumpkin pie it counts as a vegetable, right? Right?

  6. Running 8-10 miles tonight! Time to work off all those crazy carbs I ate this weekend... so worth it ;).

  7. bahh, getting back to spin class tonight :) I might even do some core and push-ups before class!

  8. It would be so much easier to be back on track if I didn't have two birthday cakes sitting here staring it me.

  9. I threw away all the left-over pie in my fridge :)

  10. Hoping to go for my first swim with the coach this evening!! :)

  11. Weights, stationary bike, and of course counting the days until I can run!!!

  12. I have been sitting at the computer in my running clothes for the last hour. Does that count? (no really, I will go run 8 miles in a minute. I swear)

  13. Well said!!! I ran 4 miles when I go theme from work today!!

  14. I'm glad you asked. Because I'm suffering from a bad case of excuses!
