Tuesday, December 20, 2011

21st Century Tuesday

Well folks....this lady took a wild leap yesterday and started a Twitter account!  That's right!  I have very little clue about how the whole thing works and when to use the @ sign or when to use the #....oh and what happens when I use each!  I am really thinking I need to invest in this:
 Also I am so not cool about the whole following/follower thing.  Let me illustrate this for you with two examples....Exhibit #1 I get a tweet from Sarah Bowen Shea telling me I should check out the Zooma Half in September.  She and Dimity are going to be there.  A cool person would have just thought, "Oh how cool!  I'll check it out!" A non-cool person like myself would gasp and do a happy dance around the kitchen table because she LOVES  Run Like a Mother and would DIE to meet those two ladies!  Exhibit #2 Once the family had recovered from my random outburst of excitement it happened again.  My hubby was in the other room when he heard me yell, "Shut Up!"  He came running in see what the problem was as I squealed about how Bart Yasso was following me!  I went on..."You know THE Bart Yasso...like the amazing runner....the one who's book I'm reading..." Yeah he didn't get it so I texted my BRF Jill....she got it!

So whether I'm cool enough or know what I'm doing at all remains to be determined but I would love if you followed me @lilfancynancy on Twitter.  I would add the link but you know those silly firewalls!


  1. Lol, I definitely need "Twitter for Dummies" too!

  2. You are too funny! I don't twitter, otherwise I'd love to follow you. :)

  3. Haha! Good luck on Twitter! I'm intimidated. I guess I setup and account a long time ago because I occasionally get emails that I have new followers!! Lol.

  4. haha it took me forever! I actually created an account back in college and didn't revisit it until this summer!! Oh, and I had to google what a "Twitter handle" was....

  5. I REALLY need that book. I don't get Twitter at all! I do have an account, though- so I will go follow you :)

  6. I got to meet Dimity and Sarah in Vegas! Lovely, amazing women!!!

  7. lol! this is too cute. i don't know if i could figure out the whole twitter thing either. you'll have to tell us how you like it in a few weeks.

  8. I'm on twitter, but not the biggest fan in the world. I guess I'm an old fashioned facebook gal :)

  9. Haha, I hear ya on twitter, I have no clue!

  10. yeah for coming over to twitter and I saw that you even got involved in #fitblog you already rock the twitter world! I added you tonight, @courtneyfos
