Monday, December 5, 2011

Monday Motivation

When I first found out that I was pregnant with Em, I had first thought...."I hope she isn't like me".  I meant when it came to body image and such, I hoped that she wouldn't struggle to like what she saw in the mirror.  I quickly resolved myself to thinking, "I am going to be the example of how I would like her to see herself.  I am going to celebrate health and fitness and be an example of how to celebrate what your body can do".  I am in no way perfect with this and have days when I don't like my body, but the difference is I do it in private.  This weekend after my long run I decided that while Em was sipping her milk and watching cartoons, I was going to do my Holiday Shred workout.  What resulted not only cracked me up but warmed my heart.  Em was right in front of me following Bobbi in all the exercises.  She had her 3lb weights and was doing every exercise I was doing.....jumping jacks, curls, lunges, bicycle crunches, chest presses, you name it!  Just when you think no one is watching.........This reminded me, "My daughter is always watching!"

Whether you have children or not, BE the example of health for those you love.  What are you doing to do today to be that example?


  1. You're so on the money with this. This morning I made a comment to my kids that my jeans were fitting looser. I said it in a very happy tone. Right after I started regretting it--I don't need to send those kind of messages! Keep up your good work.

  2. You are so right sista! Our children are watching and even more serious learning from what they see. Well done mama!

  3. I've thought about this a lot! I don't want my kids thinking it's all about what size their clothes are. I want them to see that I exercise and work hard to be healthy. I come from a family of over-eaters. We get together and EAT- which is fun and all... but not when we do it all the time! I am working on breaking that cycle :). Not to toot my own horn, but I think I have had an influence on extended family, too.

  4. Great post. The "talk" is one thing; the "walk" is what matters most :)

  5. I hope to create positive associations with health/fitness as a lifestyle for my daughter, and mostly want her to be secure in herself. When she first started dancing, she did a bent-knee move that we thought was hilarious, and then I realized she was imitating me doing squats!

  6. Love it! So true, they are always watching! You are being such a good example her! I think as mom's we do have to be so careful not to complain or focus on weight because our little girls will pick up on it! Great reminder!

  7. This reminds me of a treasured photo I have of my now 23 year old daughter from when she was about 2 sitting beside me on the floor doing exercises because she wanted to do what I was doing. Thanks for the reminder!

  8. This is a great post :)

    I love that I got you as part of the holiday card exchange. I'm excited to start following your blog

  9. I always tell my boyfriend that I hope our kids will never be like me. I'm very stubborn and inpatient, I couldn't handle a mini-me :)

  10. that is so cute. I freaked out when Kara was a girl! Same reasons. I have to be aware of how I view myself and body image around her growing up for sure. Great post and quote!

  11. I would like to hope that my girls seeing me go to run, eat healthy and take them with me to the gym is setting a good example! I just want them to know that health really is important and everything kind of matters on making our body the best it can including how nature is involved in it!
