You know what today is......Totally Random Three Things Thursday!!! Here goes nothing!!!
1. Muchas Gracias!! Thank you to all of your great ideas on how to punch a one way ticket out of funky town! Some of these are ones that I have used in the past but it is always good to be reminded of them! I knew I could count on you all for giving me some great suggestions on this!! Don't you just love Bloggy World?! That being said, I know a lot of you have races this weekend...or training runs. Let me know so I can send a shout out to you!!
2. NO EXCUSES...Yesterday was my weekly running group run and it seemed as if the clouds parted just in time for it to start...I knew this because I was watching the sky...from my gym! I LOVE my running group and look forward to it every week but yesterday life just got in the way and was faced with a decision...not run, speed to group only to miss them, or go to the gym. Well my father-in-law was excited to see Em and my gym is only around the corner so to the gym I went....and rocked 10 miles on the treadmill I might add!! I missed running group but I wasn't going to let that get in the way of my workout!
3. Jelly Bean is here....Sunday marks the first day for the Jelly Bean virtual race with Run with Jess! Looking at what I signed up for (all 4 events) I said to my friend Jill, "What was I thinking?" Today I am planning out my runs and one bike and I'm ready to take it on!! I'll start with the 1/2 marathon first and end with the 10k since next Saturday I have a 10k I am already running! I love virtual races and this one is certainly coming at the right time for me to bust through that rut!! Are you part of the Bean?