Monday, May 21, 2012

Monday Motivation

I found this quote Saturday after my long run and it was exactly what I needed to hear after a slow and steady long run.  I'm fully aware and accepting that my pace is going to slow down and not letting that get into my head is going to be key for me this coming weekend.  I may be slower but I'm not stopping...and that is what counts!!  Don't let your pace get in the way of your goals...don't let it get into your head.  The other day at running group one person commented about how they were one of the slow ones in the group.  I simply stated, "Maybe....but you're here and that's what counts!"  You're stronger for getting off the couch...carving out time for YOU...and getting out the door!  Don't stop!!!


    Ive run one race (a half) I NEVER checked my time :-)

  2. Great advice--especially for beginners who have so much untapped speed.

  3. I love this...sometimes we're just having an off day but just need to push through it!

  4. Yep! Just get going, moving, keep at it! Doesn't matter if you're the fastest or strongest, but you're doing SOMETHING and it is always better than stopping.

  5. exactly how I have been feeling...same exact type of post I have today as well :)

  6. I really needed this today, thank you sooooooooooo much Nancy :) you really have NO idea. I've been sooooooo much slower since coming back from that hip injury that I have a hard time keeping my attitude positive about running, but you're right! I just have to keep going ;)

  7. such an important message. i'm not the fastest runner either but i always tell myself as long as I finish, then that's good for ME!

  8. YES, Yes, yes!! So important, it's not always about fast. Sometimes it's about the journey and getting to the finish line. There is a time for both! :)

  9. This is exactly what I have been saying to the husband as he begins training for his first half marathon! Take it slow, don't worry about time- but don't give up!!

  10. I love this! Sometimes when I run with my friend, she wants to stop and walk and I tell her, you can slow down, but don't stop!

  11. As always, thanks for this. Happy Monday!

  12. Fantastic words of advice, this is something I needed to read, thank you.

  13. I love that quote. Especially since I am contemplating doing an ultra, but am intimidated. However, as long as you keep moving and get to the finish eventually, it will be fine! Great motivation!

  14. If I'm not careful I can easily become caught up in the numbers and my pace. Happily, this hasn't happened recently :)

    Great quote!
