Monday, July 7, 2014

Monday Motivation

With just one more race left of my year I am taking on this quote...words of wisdom from one amazing mother runner...a runner who embodies the idea of being unrelenting...Kara Goucher!  As I work hard towards finding a balance in my life which reflects the things that are most important, I also know that I have one more chance this year to hit a mark which I have dangled in front of me.  A half marathon PR is not impossible but it will take me believing in myself...knowing that if I work hard I CAN do it!  Believe in yourself no matter what your goal is.  If you don't, who will?


  1. I've always loved this quote!
    Karen @karenlovestorun

  2. Great quote! I love reaching for BIG goals and seeing just what you can do. I have a really big goal for Chicago and it scares me a little and I know I may fall short, but why not try?! Good luck, I know you can do it!!!

  3. Believing in your self is half the battle! Maybe more :)

  4. wow i know you mentioned you were cutting back on races but i had no idea this is your last race of they year?

  5. You will so kick this one Nance! I believe in you. Sorry I won't be there. If you feel like puking… know the deal:) Miss you lots.
