Monday, December 22, 2014

Monday Motivation

Love Lauren Fleshman!  I've been thinking about some of my goals for 2015...mulling over in my mind what I want the feel of 2015 to be.  While this is a post all its own, I saw this quote on the Oiselle Facebook page and thought YES!!!  Making goals for ourselves can go two different ways.  We can make goals that we know without a doubt we can meet or we can make ones that are going to put a little fear in us...light a fire under us...make magic happen!  As for me...I like a little magic in my life!
Do you play it safe with goals or do you get butterflies in your stomach?


  1. I like to challenge myself within reason and I think it's ok to reevaluate your goals if needed.

  2. Wonderful quote and good luck in 2015.
