Thursday, June 9, 2016


Whoop whoop!!  It's Thursday!  Can you hear it?  Can you hear the weekend knocking?  Well here's your randoms for the week!!

Book please...With the summer coming soon, I have been thinking about getting some books to read.  Now I am well aware that these will not be the beach relaxing reads that I once had pre-children.  My days at the beach are fabulous but they are certainly not the read and check out mentally days!  I am thinking of sitting on my deck and easing into the day with a good book...or enjoying the coolness of night with a good book.  Any suggestions?

Sparklet...The past 8 weeks I have been running a cross country enrichment with the 3rd and 4th grade girls at the school I teach in.  I started it as something to do while my daughter was in Lego group but I have to say that I have LOVED it!!  The girls are just so impressive and have really challenged themselves over these 8 weeks.  I even have one that wants to be the youngest marathoner!  I am so thankful to Momentum Jewelry for providing me with a fabulous Sparklet for each girl in the group!

They were so over-the-top excited and the motto "Never Give Up" was just what I want for them...they can do anything they set their mind to!!

Free Race Photos...I am working on my race recap for Newport 10 Miler this past Sunday but I wanted to share my photo...

I just love races that give out free race photos!!  This one was around the Ocean Drive and I turned just at the right time!  Can you tell I was having a blast?!

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