Monday, August 18, 2014

Monday Motivation

I think if I spoke to my friends the way that I talk to myself at times I would certainly have no friends to talk to!  Why is it that so often people are their own worst enemy...slow to celebrate a victory because they fell short of where they wanted to be.  This week I'm challenging myself....and of course you all talk to myself the way I would want someone to talk to me.  I'm challenging myself to celebrate the small victories...the good choices...the daily workouts instead of focusing on the times I fall short.  Day by day I'm going to build me up...what about you?
Are you quicker to criticize yourself than others?  
What would you tell yourself today that you would tell someone you love?  
Me...I would say great job getting up at the crack of dawn to run this morning!!


  1. I totally agree with this and challenge accepted! Hope you have a fab week!

  2. My husband is the worst about this! I am going to have to tell him this :)

  3. Self praise is really important and this is a great reminder! Great job getting up by the way, I did too and it wasn't easy :)

  4. I ask my clients this all the time! And worked on it myself- I'm so much kinder to myself these last few years than I was through college. It takes work, but it's so important!

  5. Great post! This kind of goes along with what I posted today - we are so critical of ourselves and we need to calm down and enjoy the little things! I will keep this in mind throughout my week!

  6. So very true!!! Why is it so hard to be nice to yourself?
