Friday, October 31, 2014

Fitness Friday...Respect Sprinkled with Fear

When prepping to write this post I went through the internet looking for quotes about weight loss.  While I found a lot of quotes like this...

and this...
I found nothing that spoke to how I have been feeling I lost the fear.  Losing weight is hard...wicked hard.  It is all about making good decisions daily about what I am eating and how much I am moving my body.  I've done that.  I've made the good decisions and moved my body a lot and the results I got were exactly what I wanted.  I am back to the weight/size I was before my two lovely ladies were born...I'm actually lighter and smaller (at times) than I was before!
After 2 children
Before children
The problem I have been having lately is that I got cocky...proud...I thought I can do this and it won't be a big deal.  I can don't have to write down everything I eat.  I can just have this one indulgence and it won't be a big deal...I've conquered this whole weight thing and I don't have to be THAT good.  Well I was wrong.  In July of this year I was 2lbs away from where I wanted to ultimately be....2lbs!  I was focused and motivated to kick this and do awesome things!  Then it was one cheat....and another...and then yet another...and I'm looking at a staff photo that makes me shudder.  I was SOOO close and now I'm looking at climbing back on that horse all over again!
What I've learned about myself is that I can't lose the fear...the fear of sliding back this far again.  I have to continue to respect the process that got me 2lbs away from my goal.  I need to realize that I am not above writing things down and saying no to treats that others are fact I need to do a lot more of that!!  It can happen to contestants on weight loss shows....they lose the respect for the process/fear of gaining it all back and they end up right back where they started.  It can happen to them and it can happen to me if I don't hit the breaks now and start respecting this body and fueling it the way that works!

Have you ever gained weight back after losing it?  What keeps your weight off?

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Scenes from a Run

I know that I did this earlier this year during a run this summer while visiting my hometown, but this week I decided to do something I had done once with blogger Mel over at Tall Mom.  I set out on a route to meet my family at soccer and each time my Garmin beeped for a mile, I clicked a picture!  Unfortunately the colors on the trees weren't as good as they are now (perhaps a rerun should happen)! It is always cool for me to see where you all run...whether it be seaside...mountains...or in wide open fields with cows roaming!  We all are out there covering our miles in such diverse places!
MILE 1:  I love this part...
MILE 2:  Yes there is sand everywhere on Cape Cod!!
MILE 3: One of the many climbs today!
MILE 4: One loop around the cranberry bog!
MILE 5: I just loved this sign! 
MILE 6: Made it before the fam....and the most of the team!!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Monday Motivation

This life...this life of fitness and eating clean...of being an example for our girls...this life of striving to be the best version of has no expiration date.  It is just that...LIFE.  Besides after having both my girls, I have been able to stay fit and healthy...but it is a constant evolution to find what works best...keeping myself focused...accepting failures as bumps in the road.  The key is that this is LIFE and not a quick fix diet.  Life for me is about fueling my body the best way I can and moving it every day!
What change have you made that has become your lifestyle?

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

"Sneaking" in Goodness with #HempHearts

While I love Em dearly, she has been a picky eater from the moment that she had to put food into that sweet mouth of hers!  We asked the pediatrician many times to which they responded, "She'll grow out of it" or "Just keep offering her different foods".  We tried the "if she's hungry she'll eat method" until we realized that she would rather starve.  I feel like we have really tried it all!  Now....I sneak.  I sneak in veggies, extra protein, whatever I can into the small subset of foods that she deems acceptable. 

I was so excited when I got the chance to try out Manitoba Harvest Hemp Hearts for a campaign as a Sweat Pink ambassador.  For me I was excited to incorporate them into foods that I already eat like yogurt, smoothies, and salads for an extra kick of extra protein and Omega-3s.  They are delicious and nutty and so easy to sprinkle on anything.  Then I got an idea....I could add them to my list of sneaking food!!! 
I started with one of our staples...pancakes!  I already put in pumpkin to our favorite pancakes but I tried sprinkling each pancake with some hemp hearts...
The verdict....She loved them!  She didn't even notice the added texture or the dots (well actually I told her they were sprinkles...this kid doesn't miss a thing!  After that success, I got daring and decided to put them in her muffins that I was making for her lunch.
I added a 1/4 cup of the Manitoba Harvest Hemp Hearts to the batter and mixed it all in.  She ate her muffins without a second thought of the extra goodness that was inside!  With each sprinkle and sneak I was giving her 10grams of Omega-3s and 10grams of protein per 30gram serving!  Hemp Hearts is a winner for the whole family!
Not sure how to use Manitoba Harvest Hemp Hearts?  In addition to sprinkling them on just about anything, they have a great resource of recipes on their website

And because I learned in kindergarten to share with my friends, Manitoba Harvest is offering 20% off to you all to use on anything on their website by using the code HHSweatPink14.
Have you ever used hemp hearts?  What's your favorite way to sneak in goodness with picky eaters??
I was given a package of Manitoba Harvest Hemp Hearts for the purpose of this review but the opinions expressed are 100& my own!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday Motivation

When friends talk with me about wanting to start working out or running, the first thing they begin to explain to me is how they don't have enough time.  They begin their long list of very valid things that require their time and thus makes them unable to get moving.  I come back by telling them that if they carved out even just 30 minutes a day to move their body that those other things would seem so much more doable...that they would have MORE energy to do life.  Everyone has their things that, if we allow them to, will keep us from ever getting out and getting moving.  We need to make fitness a part of our schedule...a part of our life.  The results...more energy and better focus on the rest!
How do you get creative and fit in fitness?
Early morning...late nights...lunch hour workouts..involve the family?

The winner of the WIN Detergent giveaway was Bari!!!  Perfect timing since she just scored herself a marathon PR yesterday!!!  Congrats to you Bari!!!  Thank you all for entering the giveaway!  Because I'm a teacher and I like to make everyone feel like a winner, WIN is offering a coupon code for all my readers for $1 off of WIN at Amazon!  Use the code WINGIVE1 at checkout!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Fitness Friday...Results=Work

This is probably one of the hardest posts I have written in a long time.  I am a the bone.  I stress about the big picture as well as all the little details that go into it.  I am not good at waving the white flag and even worse at admitting I have failed at something....yikes FAILURE!  However, like I said on Monday...failure only works if you quit and I am certain that I am not quitting!!!!

I started this journey of 12 Weeks to a Fit Physique excited and hopeful that I was going to emerge looking like the person that I knew was waiting deep inside...strong and lighter than I was.  I remember sitting here and writing my post when I began wanting to only lose about 3 more lbs and really reaching for those infamous Sarah Jessica Parker arms.  Well today I am sad to say that I honestly have about 10lbs left to lose even though my arms are on their way.  I let the summer get the best of me...running all the miles...eating a bite here and a bite there...making excuses...being unfocused and as a result I am in fact farther from my goals than I was when I began. 

Jolynn's program, on the other had, is awesome!!  At the beginning of the 12 weeks I was sent a nutrition plan and 12 weeks of workouts.  There were a few challenges along the way like not having certain equipment at my gym (reason #1 I'm considering a new gym) and really being baffled by the whole macros thing.  It became apparent to me that I function much better when there is no open ended eating plan as long as it fits my macros....seriously I need someone to map this whole macros thing out for me (any takers???)!  Nutrition was my #1 weakness and thus the reason for not hitting my goals.  Like they always say...
The workouts I nailed and even managed to weave together my half marathon training workouts with what was on tap each day from Jolynn.  This is really the area I have found the most success throughout the 12 weeks...I can tell how much stronger I am...finding myself picking up weights that I had shied away from before this whole journey!  I do like the strength and I loved the varied workouts and how they each challenged me in new and different ways.  If only my macros were on point....
Going forward I am not letting this define me and stop me in my tracks.  My plan for myself is to take the next month to learn more about fitting in and planning meals around macros (seriously anyone is more than welcome to educate me!!).  I know that nutrition is where I fall short and want to learn more about this not only to lose weight but to learn how to eat for my body.  After that I am tackling this 12 weeks again...this time focused...this time with blinders on!  I want to prove it to myself that I can do this...that I can see a transformation.  And I'm using you all to hold me accountable....lucky you!!  I think that Jolynn's program is awesome and one that if you are looking for a challenge and to change your body you should check out!!!  Remember is all what you put into it!!! 

I wouldn't be a good blogger if I didn't show you some after pics....I honestly forgot to take befores!!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Making Strides for A Fearless Generation with SkechersRun3

Many thanks to Skechers for sponsoring this post!

When I became a mother, instantly I became aware that my life was no longer my own (to a certain degree)!  I try to be safer with my actions and healthier with my choices.  These two girls have changed who I am and what I do each day.  Each day that I lace up my sneakers and head out the door...face challenges and hard miles is for them.  I want to show them what a strong woman looks like...what limitless living looks like...don't we all?  Don't we want to raise up a generation of fearless women?  Women that will never have to hear the words "breast cancer"?
One of my greatest fears would be that they would have to live a life without me...a situation I have seen moms face as they get a diagnosis of breast cancer.  I can't imagine what that would feel like to look at their sweet faces and not know what was going to happen.  Even worse would be watching them get that diagnosis themselves.  That is why I was so excited to partner with Skechers in their campaign with the American Cancer Society...because there is always that hope that these girls
can live in a world where breast cancer is no longer a diagnosis of 1 in 8 women!

Skechers Performance is supporting the American Cancer Society by releasing a special line of shoes. The lineup consists of the GOrun3 Awareness, GOrun Sprint, GOfit Awareness and GOwalk2 Flash Awareness.
I was excited to try out the GOrun3 which is designed for speed with innovative performance technologies to promote a midfoot strike, it fosters a barefoot running experience while offering cushioning and impact protection.
  • Improved breathability and flexibility
  • Roomy forefoot. 3 layer Power-prene mesh on front panel allows for support while offering ample room for toe splay
  • GOimpulse sensors offer flexibility and feedback for a responsive running experience
  • M-Strike Technology™ promotes a midfoot strike
  • Custom Fit insole is removable for an even more minimal feel
  • 4mm Heel Drop to bring you closer to a natural barefoot experience
  • Resalyte™ Midsole – Proprietary lightweight injection-molded compound with memory retention helps absorb impact
  • Nearly seamless flexible mesh upper with lace up front
  • On the affordable end of the running shoe world at $85
The verdict....Pink ribbon and all these shoes are the real deal!  They are light and a great addition for my shorter or treadmill runs!

Skechers is not only launching this unique awareness line, they are also getting behind the American Cancer Society in big ways.
  • Skechers Performance Division is offering a donation to American Cancer Society, and all of the Skechers Performance Division Awareness apparel and footwear will feature the ACS logo and messaging.
  • Skechers is hosting the American Cancer Society San Francisco Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk, and will be donating a percentage of proceeds from the sales of Skechers shoes on-site that day.
  • Skechers is launching a register round-up program in Skechers Retail stores in which customers can round up their purchase to the nearest whole dollar to benefit American Cancer Society for the entire month of October. If consumers donate $5 or more, they will also receive a 20% off discount for their next visit. This will offer anyone shopping for any item in a Skechers retailer store the opportunity to give back and support the cause.
  • Skechers Retail stores are offering a gift with purchase for customers who purchase a pair of limited-edition Awareness shoes. The gift with purchase will be either a breast canvas awareness canvas tote back or a pink water bottle.

There are Skechers Awareness shoes for all your needs whether you are out running the track or walking the neighborhood that will keep you looking great and giving back!  Check them out for yourself and enter the fight to end breast cancer!

How will you make strides to fight breast cancer??

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Free the Funk with WIN Detergent *GIVEAWAY*

I know it's been a good week when the laundry is full of my funky running clothes...however I know I have a hard job on my hands.  Getting the funk out of my running stuff has been a task all its own!
I wash my stuff...fold it...put it away...and then when I put it on again, there is just a lingering funk that seems to linger in my tech clothes.  Anyone else?

Well I was psyched to join with WIN Detergent on a campaign through Sweat Pink and try out their regular and green bottles of laundry detergent.
Between my husband and I's gym schedules we certainly accumulate a hefty pile of funky gym clothes over the week, and we needed help to get rid of the funk!  I threw it all into the washer (even included my ZOOMA Half Marathon outfit) and poured in what I thought was a small amount.  Crossed my fingers and let it go!  What happened?....
That's right!  Funk free clothes!  Even my Feetures were smelling sweet!!
WIN Detergent is designed to remove sweat, oil, and odors from technical fabrics.  WIN is also re-introducing their dye-free, fragrance-free GREEN detergent which was awesome for our house since I wash the ladies clothes in with hubby and I's clothes (because really who has the time to do 6 loads of laundry when you can do 3?!)  I threw in some of the girl's laundry with our load and it didn't make their skin itchy or break out at all!

Each bottle is $9.95 for 21 loads of laundry each....a great deal considering this detergent REALLY works!  Want to try WIN Detergent out for yourself?  Well call this your lucky day!!  WIN Detergent is letting me give away 2 bottles of WIN detergent (one regular and one green) to one of you!!

 I will announce a winner on Monday!!
WIN Detergent sent me two bottles of detergent for the purpose of this review but all opinions are my own!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday Motivation

Bonnie is amazing!!!
Failure can only be failure if you let it keep you down.  We all have goals...things we want to do...weight we want to lose...paces we want to hit...things we want to achieve.  The path to those goals, however, is not always a straight one.  There are twists and turns...bumps and hills to climb.  If you throw in the towel at the first hill, you will fail!  Hold on tight...keep pushing forward...stay focused and you WILL get there!!
Whatever you do....

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Almost Wordless Wednesday...Perspective

There are days when this journey of weight loss back to my pre-mama self are awesome, and then there are those that have me discouraged.  Today has been the latter until I came across a race photo from a year ago....I would say I've come a long way baby!!!  I'm not there yet but the important part is that I am on my way forward!!
With either pregnancy I was never the kind of lady to "bounce right back"...but rest assured I get there!!!