Monday, November 24, 2014

Monday Motivation

The holidays are a time where time is like gold....never enough of it but worth it's weight and then some.  I guess it goes without saying that with no extra time, stress, and junk food in all corners that the holidays is NOT the time you want to ignore your fitness!  I don't know about you but I would much rather ring in 2015 looking and feeling my best than limping into the New Year with a list of things I needed to work off!!  Do one thing each day to make yourself sweat!  Get the family involved or get it done before they wake up!  Do whatever you need to do to make the time...and sweat!  #HolidaySweat starts today and I can't wait to start tallying up points each day by moving a lot and getting in my veggies!  I am also in my last week of POTM and I have 34 miles left to hit my goal for the month...after one week in I thought there would be no way I would reach that goal but now I'm SO close and there is no way I'm letting it slip away!!!
What about you?  
What are you going to do today to get your body moving?


  1. Planning on a quick HIIT after work, before I take my daughter to gymnastics.

  2. YES!!
    this is 100% where I am right now.

  3. Making fitness a priority is the only way I can stay on track! I woke up early to get some miles in since I knew it was going to be a busy day :P

  4. Challenges are such a great way to stay on track and motivated!
