Saturday morning, I woke up...drove to Wood's Hole...and boarded the ferry headed for Vineyard Haven, Martha's Vineyard. Let me just begin by saying I have never even gone to Martha's Vineyard...not even as a tourist so I was excited to go!
Heading over...good thing I had my Chicaband on because it was a windy trip! |
Jill and I settled in for our 45 minute ferry ride and caught up on everything from work to know all the essentials!
We got there with about 40 minutes to start....perfect! We went into the port authority building and quickly found the bag check. It was tough to decide what to wear since it was getting was getting very sunny and warm. With only 450 runners there was no clearly marked start line...just a bunch of runners milling around one area (clearly we were at an island state of mind!). Before we knew it we were off!
The first 9 miles were along the coastline of the island and seriously I got lost in the GORGEOUS views!!! I honestly started thinking...I could live here. I stuck to my run 1 mile walk 40 seconds plan and was cruising along at just under 9 min miles. However it was not lost on my that as we started my stomach was growling. Important since this was my demise.
After snaking along the amazing coastline we turned onto a bike path which we follow for the next 8 miles. Mile 8, while I was soaking in the sun and serious views, my Garmin froze. This has never happened to me before so while I panicked for a minute knowing I was S-O-L for the next 12 miles, I came up with a plan to get to the mile markers and then walk while counting to 60.
It was around mile 15 where the problems began....ugh. I took a GU at mile 6 and another around mile 12 but I quickly became hungry. It was almost as if my belly was saying, "That's it?" My stomach started cramping badly and got worse when I drank water. I tried walking but every time I started running again it would seize again to the point where I was running bent over. Now normally I would have toughed it out but then I got dizzy and just not good. Just before mile 17 there were police officers in the road. By then Jill had caught up to me and helped to convince me to stop and get a ride to the finish. I can't tell you how many times waiting for the pick-up car I wanted to just say, "I'm good!" and start running again...mostly because I felt embarased to be standing there. I tried to convince the woman who picked me up to drop me off just before the finish so I could run it in....yeah no go! I went to the finish to cheer for Jill as she came trotting in!
Afterwards was SUPER organized. We got our bags, shirts (Jill convinced me to get one even though I may not wear it!), and food. We had about 30 minutes to change and catch the shuttle to the ferry. The funniest scene was the ferry ride back. Lots of very sore and stiff runners on a swaying ship!
Honestly speaking I would HIGHLY recommend this race. It was super well organized with lots of water stops run by local organizations. It was small but I never felt like I was out there alone. The cost was low ($50) and you seriously can't beat the views! Everyone was super nice and helpful and they had a ton of food after! Just make sure you eat enough before.....don't pull a me!! This has gotten me thinking more about my half coming up in March and how I am going to fuel. I feel like I needed more real food....maybe a bar or something like that.