Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Learning to Dance

This post has really been circling in my head for many weeks now...thinking about the many times lately I have flopped into the couch opposite my husband after another long day and cried thinking about all the things I didn't get done...all the times I barked at the girls...all the times I fell short of my expectations.  Then yesterday I read this post from the blog Raising Humans.  Her words went straight to my heart...and made me think, truly think about what I had envisioned this time in life to be like...and how I wanted the future to look.

When I dreamed about being a mom I dreamed about those Hallmark moments when mom and daughters were baking cookies and laughing.  I dreamed of days at the beach when we hadn't a care in the world and we were laughing and jumping in the waves.  I dreamed of days making snowmen and going sledding.  I dreamed of days being creative and doing crafts together.  In my dreams I was (of course) a svelte mom who held in her hands the perfect balance of exercising and crafting in a perfectly cleaned and happy home!  These days my dreams seem to slip farther and farther away as I add more and more balls to juggle each day.  I am realizing however that this is life....this IS the dream.  REAL life is what happens when the director calls out CUT!  My job...the dishes and dirty laundry will always be there!  The choice is to find happiness in put down the phone....look away from the mess and show my girls how to dance.
THIS is where the happiness is!!  Planting those seeds that THEY ARE ENOUGH to make me happy!  Life is busy...messy...crazy at times but those times that I dreamed about are there.  These days our house is noisy and there are very few car rides where there isn't a constant monologue coming from the back seat, but I know there will be a day when the silence will be there and I will miss the sound.  NOW is the time I need to learn to dance...kick up my heels and show my girls that life is GOOD and THEY are what's important!!


  1. Applause applause applause. So true lovely lady!!!!

  2. I love this, so true! and I love the great pictures of your girls.

  3. I'm always trying to get the first lady to dance... it doesnt always work, but when it does, it is super fun.

  4. such a beautiful post, and beautiful picture at the end!

  5. love this post. i'm pregnant with my first and i'm already getting nervous about finding a magic balance of child, work, workout, etc. thanks for the reminder as to what's really important :)

  6. Wonderful post!!! It's so easy to get caught up with work and schedules and tasks and to do's. Good for you for realizing this and working on taking time with your kids!
