Tuesday, January 7, 2014


The past two years I have had an awesome experience working with the lovely ladies of ZOOMA as an ambassador for the Cape Cod race.  Actually check out page 74 of February's Runner's World for a write up about the Cape race and a little quote from yours truly!! 
 Can you tell how psyched I am to be in it?!  
Applications are open for ambassadors for Cape Cod, Chicago and their new race in Napa

Boy do I wish I was closer because I would love to run that race!!!  If you live in California or close to any of the other locations be sure to apply!!  They have revamped their ambassador programs and have included lots of great perks!!!  


  1. Ooh I'm only about 30 minutes from napa!

    1. Go apply!!! You get a free race entry and goodies from partners!

  2. So very cool to be quoted in Runner's World! Congrats!

  3. i wish i lived in california period! lol their weather alone is reason enough to apply!

  4. So cool! Wish they had a race here in WA although I would love to go to Napa and enjoy some warmer weather;)

  5. Very cool to see your name in the best magazine ever! Congrats! Hmmm...should I apply for Cape Cod???

  6. So cool!!! I'm about 3 hours from Chicago but Napa is much too far and I think it's during the school year, which pretty much means a solid no. One day I'll do a zooma race.

  7. I loved the ZOOMA Cape Cod race and would love to do it again! I love all of the new races that they are adding on so thanks for the heads up!!! Stay warm and happy running!

  8. Can't wait to be back running and applying for this. Hopefully by the end of the year!
