Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Thoughts on Food Journalling

Amanda at Run to the Finish held a Food Journal Challenge for the month of January.  I took the challenge as a way for me to lose weight and be accountable.  Now while I lost my 3lbs last week...it was really not a weight loss success month.  I did, however, learn a few important things about me from this challenge.
  • First things first, I don't eat nearly enough protein.  I can see my hubby doing the "I told you so dance" as he reads this.  
  • Second, I tend to eat a whole lot more in the afternoon and evening instead of spacing it out throughout the day.
  • Third, I eat when I'm stressed.  I always thought I was not much of an emotional eater but this month has resulted in the stress factor being way high.  This resulted in me reaching for snacks way too much!  Since I can't reduce the stress right now, I know I need to focus on what I am eating and why.
Thank you so much Amanda for having this challenge.  I am going to continue my journal especially now that I am on a new "diet".  I started yesterday with the plan that my hubby's "diet guy" drafted for me to reach my goal weight.  It is a 1500 calorie diet that focuses on getting in lots of protein and diminishing carbs over the day.  Stay tuned for tomorrow for a peak at what I'm eating.  Also, check out Amanda's challenge for February.  I can't wait to start it tomorrow!!

I have to leave you with a story from yesterday.  Being the mom of the year that I am I did not react the proper way....assuming that a mix of tears and yelling isn't the proper way to react....but I think I can finally laugh at what happened.....maybe!  I took Em after I picked her up with me to the bank to open an IRA (nightmare and a half ....I hate finances!).  She has been doing a super job with the potty so I figured we'd be ok.  She had a snack and a book to read and was doing a great job (except for spending a good part of 10 minutes picking her nose).  I noticed a certain look on her face and quietly whispered to her (trying to avoid horrifying the nice young bank person) to ask if she needed to go use the potty.  In her biggest voice she replied, "No thank you Mommy.  I just went poop in my undies!"  Needless to say I made an appointment to come back sans toddler and high tailed it out of there with the small shred of dignity I had left!!  Oh boy! 

Oh and I can't forget to wish my best running buddy ever created a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!  She is turning 50 and just rocked her 8th marathon in NYC this Fall!!!  Head on over to One Tough Cookie and a Beer and wish her a happy day!!!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday Motivation

Today's Monday Motivation is coming from the Another Mother Runner post this morning.  Dimity was writing about ways to honor Sherry Arnold.  It was this quote that literally got me out of my growing pity party and out the door for a run.  It said:

"remember Sherry when you don’t want to run. When you’re dragging and are fighting the run with every ounce of your being; when you get to mile 11 of a half-marathon and are cursing the last 2.1; when the ___________ (rain, hills, wind, whatever the handicap du jour may be) is making your legs feel leaden and your heart, even heavier, remember Sherry. You get to be a runner and feel the wind, the road, your quads, your exhaustion, your smile. Lucky, lucky you."

The moment I heard about Sherry missing, I became aware of everything around me...like the glass was broken and suddenly I realized we are never as safe as we assume.  I mourned with the masses the day she was declared dead and I will join them and Beth on February 11th to honor her life.  She was like so many of us...mom, wife, teacher, friend.  Thank you Dimity for reminding me this morning that I am blessed to be here...and this morning I was blessed to have the treadmill under my feet.  I motivate you to remember those blessings each day.....and when you are fighting against it all, remember Sherry and go that extra mile!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Fitness Friday-Are Runners Stubborn?

This question has been brewing in my mind ever since I was told that runners are stubborn.  It was not said in a bad way at all just a matter of fact way.  I wanted to think honestly about whether or not I thought it was true.  So I began like any good teacher would and I looked up the definition.  

stub·born  [stuhb-ern] adjective

1.unreasonably obstinate; obstinately unmoving: a stubborn child.
2.fixed or set in purpose or opinion; resolute: a stubborn opponent of foreign aid.
3.obstinately maintained, as a course of action: a stubborn resistance.
4.difficult to manage or suppress: a stubborn horse; a stubborn pain.
5.hard, tough, or stiff, as stone or wood; difficult to shape or work.
I would like to go with the nicer of choices and say #2 could apply but I still wasn't convinced so I looked at my behavior.....If you answer yes to 2 or more of these statements, you MAY be a stubborn runner:
  • You go out for your long run at the same time every week and God help the person who throws that off kilter
  • A trainer suggests that you cut down your mileage to fit in more cross training and stretching and you think to yourself, "Ummm not a chance buddy" while smiling and saying, "Sure I'll look at that tonight!"
  • You have perfected your pre race meal and get sweats if something is missing
  • A friend/spouse wants to go for an easy 3 when you have speed work on your training schedule so you sneak it in before they get there so you don't miss what you are supposed to be doing
  • You go to a running shoe store for another pair of the sneakers you have been wearing religiously for the past 8 years
  • This said running store suggests a different pair of sneakers could work better for you.  You take them home knowing full well that you are going to be returning.
  • A nutritionists suggests a different diet of foods.  You take the suggestion and begin to compare it with every other training diet you own as well as Runner's World and Racing Weight
  • You go to the doctor with (XYZ) pain and their prescription is for rest.  You say ok but know that a big race is coming so you think, "Can't you just tape it up and I'll rest after the race?"
  • You wake up feeling under the weather and think, "I'll just sweat it out...can't miss my run!"
Have anything to add to the list?  These are all things I have realized about me....My name is Fancy Nancy and I am a stubborn runner!  
To our credit, as runners, we are constantly striving to find what works for us....what will make us faster, what will keep out GI issues at bay, what will bring us success.  I for one am recognizing my stubborn side and embracing it!  And every now and then get a good laugh at it!!  Enjoy these cartoons!  

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Three Things Thursday

1.  Sponsor love.....Two sponsors for the 12 in 2012 are Chicabands and iFitness.  This week I received some great things in the mail from each...don't you just love getting real mail?  Here are my bands from Chicabands:
And my belt from iFitness:

I am looking forward to trying out this belt because I have only used a belt once before (Boston marathon) and pitched it at mile 17.  Right off the bat this belt is WAY better!  It fits great and is much smaller.  I hope to use it this weekend for a long run!!  Love it! 

2.  Are you sure??....Well in true Fancy Nancy fashion, I got my diet yesterday and right away started questioning it!  I will post much more about it this weekend and will post a WIAW of it too but right off the bat I feel like it is not enough calories.  I suppose it is from nutritionists in the past telling me I was not getting enough calories but I will try to keep an open mind and see what happens.  I am taking the next few days to wrap my head around it and come up with my strategies to be ready to begin on Monday. 

3.  Samantha and Michelle, Two of my fellow Fitfluential Ambassadors have started a "friendly" wager for the upcoming Superbowl.  You pick a team to support (I mean really it's a no brainer-Pats!).  The losing supporters have to run the point difference.  So let's say for example you pick the Giants and the whiny Eli Manning.  After they lose you will have to run in miles the amount of points the Pats beat them by.  Head on over to Michelle's blog to check out more details and sign up!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Almost Wordless Wednesday

My Em was a snow baby!  Literally I went into the hospital in the morning to have her and by 11pm when she came out there was over a foot of snow!  It then proceeded to snow for the next two days!  We were snug in the hospital but my family had to drive 4 hours in the horrible weather to see her!  It is no surprise that when she woke up on Saturday and saw the winter wonderland outside that she wanted to play all day long in it!!  Seriously we were out there for about 3 hours, nap, then back out for 2 more hours!  It has been really mild this winter on Cape and hasn't snowed yet so she was due!  Good thing because when we woke up on Tuesday, all the snow was gone!!  Here are a few pics of Saturday!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

11 Randoms

I was tagged by the lovely Lindsay from Chasing the Kenyans in the 11 Random Things Assignment.  I could try to trace it back to who started it but well....yeah I'm not going to!  The rules are as follows:
1. Post these rules
2. You must post 11 random things about yourself
3. Answer the questions set for you in their post
4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer
5. Go to their blog and tell them you’ve tagged them
6. No stuff in the tagging section about you are tagged if you are reading this. You legitimately have to tag 11 people!

Ok so 11 Random things about myself.....some may already know these things!
1.  I can wiggle my ears.  Yeah it's one of those things that may earn me a prize some day!!  Ummm probably not!

2.  I lived in Seville, Spain for a semester while I was in college.  I was a Spanish major (along with education) and spent the semester in a small school there.  It was an amazing experience, aside from the homesickness, and would LOVE to go back one day!  I still have dreams about being there and walking around!
3.  In the summer I live at the beach...not literally but pretty close.  I actually get anxiety when I don't get in my daily dose of the beach.  Good thing my Em loves it too!
4.  In high school I thought cross country was silly...like why would you run without a purpose.  I played soccer and three seasons of softball.  I ran to stay in shape for my sports.  Ha!  Now I wish I could be on the cross country team!  

5.  Some days I wish I was Michelle Pfeifer in Dangerous Minds....there I said it honey!  Seriously though my dream job would be in  the toughest areas with the toughest kids!  In my old job I was pretty close (trying to inspire kids to stay out of gangs and to believe in themselves when the cards were stacked against them) and I LOVED it!  There is something that draws me to tough kids.  Not sure what it is....now my students look like angels in comparison to what I had!
6.  My number one bucket list item is to go to Africa.  This has been on my heart for most of my life.  For about 6 years I was able to work with African refugees and I loved it!  
7.  Sometimes I eat guacamole until my stomach hurts....I haven't done it in a while but I can't control myself!  It is just so yummy!!!  While on our honeymoon they had self serve guacamole and I attacked it almost every day.  Very sexy scene...on the beach in a bikini stuffing my face with guac!
8.  I cry every time I watch a marathon!  It is just something about people seeing their dreams come true that makes me so happy for them!
9.  One of my greatest challenges as a Mom has been walking away from opportunities that would take me away from being with her....vice principal, program director, doctoral canidate....Since I have to work a teacher's schedule is ideal....not ready to give up my summers with her.  I know that if God wants me to be any of those things He will make it happen down the line.  Right now my family needs me more.
10.  I have perfected the hairy eyeball look as a teacher!  Seriously once I was at a play with my Mom and sister and a boy behind was kicking my seat.  I didn't need to say a word...just turned around and gave him the hairy eyeball.  Done!
11.  When I was younger I sang with Kenny Rogers in concert...that was well before he got tons of plastic surgery and looked scary!
11 Randoms....as asked by Lindsay
1. you have the skills to go pro in any sport (except running/triathlons). what sport would you choose?
I would say I would love to be a professional softball player.  I played for 15 years through college.  It was even on our class will that I would be on the Olympic Softball team.
2. what is your favorite vegetable?
I really love veggies straight from the garden all warm and yummy like tomatoes and cucumbers.
3. they're making a movie about your life. what actor/actress would play you?
My hubby would love Kate Becknsale to play me 

but through my life I have been told I look like Elizabeth Shue

4. last book you read? 
Sing you Home by Jodi Picoult....but I have 3 running books on the nightstand that I am in the middle of.
5. last text message you sent?
Ha!  To my brf Jill "I did a speed workout last night and I feel like my legs are going to fall off!"
6. what is your favorite meal/recipe to cook?
I love to bake!  I would say it is a cross between my killer brownies (they have a chocolate bar in the middle) or my giant chocolate chip cookies.
7. do you prefer dusting or vacuuming? (and when are you coming to do my house?)
I prefer vacuuming and sometimes I use my vacuum to dust! 
8. if you could go on vacation to anywhere in the us or canada, where would you go?
I'm not picky as long as it has a beach and is warm!  However I did love Alaska and that didn't meet the criteria.
9. what something you love about where you live?
The beach....We have three beaches within 3 miles of our house and it rocks! 
10. something you don't love about where you live?
I know many people live far away from things but I don't love that I have to drive 1/2 hour to the closest Target or Walmart.  It just is annoying!
11. what do you do when you have trouble falling asleep?
I make lists.  Usually when I can't sleep it is because I have too much on my mind and making a list helps to get it out of my head.

Tag!  You're it!!
Toni from Running, Loving, Living
Anna form Babies to Marathons
Heather from Endless Jubilee
Jill from One Tough Cookie and a Beer
Sammy from Happy Family, Healthy Family
Lisa from Getting it done on the Run!
Christie from Changing from Fat to Fit
Kathy from Just Keep Running
Kellie from SWEAT = SUCCESS
Jerilee from Mom's Gone Running
Meaghan from Miles, Miles, and More Miles

Questions for you:
1.  What is your favorite nickname and how did you get it?
2.  If you could do a long run with anyone, who would it be and why?
3.  What is the one food you couldn't live without?
4.  What does fit mean to you?
5.  What is your #1 bucket list item?
6.  Do you consider yourself stubborn?  (actually collecting research for an upcoming post so anyone can answer this)
7.  If you had to name a hero who would it be and why?
8.  What is your #1 time suck lately?
9.  What is your greatest vice?
10.  Since my blog is Living the Dream I have to ask...what would living your dream look like?
11.  What superpower would you love to have?

Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday Motivation-One Step at a Time

One unique aspect to goal setting is planning out the small steps that lead up to reaching your overall goal.  Runners do it all the time.  You want to run a half marathon, marathon, or any other distance. You plan out your training over a period of time and over that time you reach your goal by race day.  I have always tackled running this way but today was really the first time it clicked for me with weight loss.  The number I want to lose is larger than can be done in one week (barring a major flu or loss of limb) so I need to break it down into chunks leading up to the day when I step on that scale and do the happy dance!  Let me say as an aside that I do feel that if I never lost another pound I would be healthy, however I know that I feel more comfortable at a lower weight in addition to feeling faster.  I am not giving up on my goal!!
This week, and I put it here so I can think of you all shaking a finger at me as I think about eating dessert, my small step is to lose 3lbs.....there I said it....it's out there and I can 't take it back!  Oh boy! 
What small step are you going to take today to get you to a bigger goal?  What is your big goal?  Share away!  There is power in numbers!!!

Oh and if you need a kick in the don't give up department....I could be bias but just imagine how this would feel:
Pats are going to the Superbowl!!!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Fitness Friday-Nutrition

In my life before kids I was able to go to the gym and workout for 2+ hours....and to be honest I loved every minute of it.  I could take a spin class followed by a pilates class, or run and do weights back to back.  I, however, should have not used that 2+ hours as an excuse to indulge as much as I did.  I in no way was heavy but let's just say I have managed to be 10lbs lighter now as a mom with MUCH less time to work out.  No longer having the luxury of time, I make sure I watch my calories in and out much more closely.  Enter true confession....over November and December when I was doing the HBBC and running 172 miles each month, I allowed myself to cheat here there and well just about everywhere.  I followed my healthy eating for most of the day but each treat that was offered to me made it's way into my belly most times...and now my belly is showing that! 
While personally I feel embarrassed for my lack of self control I also recognize reality of the holidays and just an overall intense time in my life right now.  However, as Biggest Loser says, NO EXCUSES!  I contacted the person who did my hubby's diet for his upcoming show and am taking that step to really cracking down on what I eat.  This year, as I've said before, my goal is to let food be fuel and my hope is that he will guide me to those types and amounts of foods!  My real hope though is that I don't have to eat like my poor hubby who is really limited to chicken, egg whites, and broccoli period!  I will be sure to share once I get it all!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Three Things Thursday

Good morning!  Welcome to your weekly dose of randomness!!  Some weeks I have a focus for my three things but more often than most it is random....enjoy the randomness!
1.  My fellow #Fitfluential Ambassador Chris Donnelly posted a call to action after hearing that size 6 is now being considered plus size in the modeling world!  Size 6!!!!  Really???  It concerns me where things are going in the area of body image with young girls.  As a mom I make sure I am celebrating fitness and fit women.  What are your thoughts on this??  Read more about the story here and head on over to check out what Chris has to say here.
2.  I haven't hidden that a lot has been going on here in Fancy Nancy Land and I am really starting to think it is effecting my running.  I find myself mid-run wanting to stop for no other reason than I just don't feel like running anymore.  I even found myself thinking last night that maybe I should take some time off of running.....what????  This is so frustrating to me!!  Running is my place to shed the stress...get in touch with me....rise above it all!  I know it all comes down to mental toughness....pushing myself and finishing which I do.  Do you ever find yourself having to push to keep going even if it isn't from being too physically tough?  What have you done to push through?
3.  Mill Time?  I had posed the question on Twitter a few weeks back about people's thoughts on treadmill brands.  I am thinking about getting a treadmill in order to help me fit in my workouts while also allowing the hubs to get his workouts in.  Here's the challenge....I've owned only one treadmill and it was given to me for free.  We left it behind when we moved.  So I have no idea what treadmills cost and what is worth paying for and what isn't.  Any words of advice?  

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Loss for Words Wednesday

I knew if I waited long enough I would come across something for Wordless Wednesday!  I left Em downstairs for 3 minutes so that I could go up to change for tonight's running group (can we get a warm dry Wednesday here folks?) and when I came down this was the sight in front of me:
Her reply, "Look Mom!  I'm Purpliscious!!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Two for Tuesday....Galloway meets Virtual Run

Sunday's long run was a two-fold run for me!  The first  were for Toni's virtual birthday run over at Running, Loving, Living!
Because I was going round two on trying out Galloway it wasn't the fastest I could do but I was excited to celebrate Toni's birthday with her in a fun way!  I cruised through the 3.5 in 29:45 and then went on my merry way to complete my next 12 miles.  
This second time around with Galloway I focused on the distance and staying consistent throughout the run.  The temps were so not fun around 15* without the windchill so it was steady for me.  There were a few miles I ran without the walk break but for the most part I stuck with run a mile, walk a minute.  I was not only very happy with my time (2:15:13) but I was even more excited with how I felt after.  The whole reason why I chose to try out this method was so that I wasn't toast for the rest of the day.  Having a toddler means no rest for the weary!!  Well I was tired but not really sore at all.  Almost right after the run we got in the car to go to visit my family and shop for cars!  I felt great and the next day my legs felt great too!  I kept telling my hubby that I was so excited with how good my legs felt!  I am gong to continue to use this method training for this 20 miler....if it isn't broke....!  Here is my post race/long run pic!  You can't see the icicles!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Monday Motivation-Don't Quit on Yourself

Yesterday was my birthday.  I had 15 miles on tap and it was less than 15* outside!  Most would look at those three things and say....boy this bed is looking great I think I'll stay!  Nope....this running momma thought...What a better way to celebrate! 
The breakthrough came for me as the miles ticked by and I started to mentally grow tired.  I started repeating Isaiah 40:31 to myself and "Do NOT quit on yourself!"  Over and over for the last 3 miles reminding myself that I AM strong enough and I AM worth finishing what I start!  I did not quit on myself and finished my 15th mile at a 8:56 pace! 
There is so much that happens to us that is out of our control.  The part that we can control is what we do after it happens.  We ARE strong enough and we ARE worth finishing what we start!  If you are on that brink of throwing that resolution aside or are facing something that you doubt you are strong enough to finish.....BELIEVE in YOURSELF and please DON'T QUIT!!!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

Hi all!  Life is crazy around here and this weekend I have my college professor hat on!  Just a quick post to announce the winner of the Centrum Giveaway.  A big congrats to.....

Life as a Running Mom!!!

Shoot me an email to mrscapen14 at yahoo dot com to let me know your address and what product you would like!

Good luck weekend runners...Go Olympic runners!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Three Things Thursday

Today's dose of randomness is brought to you by the US Postal Service, Food Journals, and a Good Sweat!
Good day for mail!  Usually Thursday means the weekly flyers when I plan my grocery shopping for the week but you can imagine my surprise when I found two goodies staring back at me today!  Up first:
The Active Bands I ordered a few weeks ago when they were 50% off...there's nothing I like more that a cute band that doesn't slip than one that is 50% off!  I got this black sparkler and a pink and brown zebra print!
Up next:
The medal from the virtual TNT Lousy Medal 5k with Run Faster Mommy!  Pardon the crazy eyes in the picture!!
I have been keeping my food journal as a part of the January challenge with Amanda at Run to the Finish.  Well it is interesting the things I have found out about myself in just 2 weeks!  Like I never thought I was an emotional eater but the words don't lie!  I also have proof that I am a MUCH better eater during the week than on the weekend!  I guess only having the option to eat what I bring keeps me in check.  Now if I could just figure out how to recreate that during the weekend!  
The past two days have reminded me of the power of a good sweat!  Workout Mommy always closes her posts with "Never underestimate the power of a workout" and boy she is so right!  Last night it was our group run and today it was the treadmill!  Each time I could feel the endorphins squeezing out the stress!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Almost Wordless WIAW!!!

So totally couldn't decide which to do today so here you are...BOTH!  How lucky are you?!  Yesterday as we were driving home Em suggested that we go to the beach and dig for treasure.....ummmm in January? Sure!  It ended up being just what we both needed to feed our soul while we wait on our carefree summer days to come back to us!  Here are just a few pics from our time!

Ok so now the WIAW portion of our day!  Here has been my eats the past few days...yes that's right I eat the same darn thing every day!...makes food journaling pretty easy!  Breakfast is a green monster smoothie which I took a pic of the ingredients: Whey Protein, Red Mill Flax Meal, banana, spinach, almond milk, and blueberries. Snack is almonds and an apple, lunch is chicken with veggies, snack is Chobani with Go Lean Crisp, and dinner is a salad with chicken and Newman's Own Lite Balsamic.  Yummy! 
Can you find the funny local restaurant sticker on my fridge??
Someone couldn't wait to take the picture!!
Ummm Yeah that would be homemade pumpkin chocolate chip pancakes the princess is eating across from me!
What was on your menu today??

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Mommy's Best Effort

Pardon me while I deviate from my usual talk about running and all things fitness and such.  I had every intention today to talk about some new workouts I have wanted to try out and a new challenge that I am going to start (stay tuned for that), but every time I try to talk about something else my mind becomes flooded with what is really weighing on me....my precious Em. 

Being a mom has taught me that one single thing can bring an outpouring of love and blessing on your life and still be the most challenging thing you have ever done!  With marathon training or working out work+effort=goal.  With parenting right now for me work+effort=more work+more effort!  Please know that I wouldn't trade her for anything and am so thankful for her.....but can I get an amen from moms with toddlers???  Seriously ladies we need a support group!!!  What worked last during vacation for potty training and eating has been thrown out the window now that I have gone back to work.  Oh my word!!!

 I don't mean to whine and I am aware that not all of you have children.  I guess the thing that is most weighing on me is that I want to do what's best for her but well she unfortunately didn't come with a owners manual!  Surely there are other moms out there that are struggling with their kids....or have struggled and now have amazing teenagers.....or that can talk me off the ledge!  This will get easier right?

Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday Motivation

Doubt from time to time (more often than I would like it to) creeps into the corners of my mind and whispers to me when I run......will I be able to finish this 20 miler, will I have the strength to be the runner I want to be, do I have the willpower to be strong?  After finishing my run this weekend, these things crept into my mind but this morning I am telling them to take a hike!  Don't let doubt steal your dreams from you!!!  Whether it is starting off your journey to change your life or pushing yourself past limits you have put up for yourself, DO NOT let doubt steal it from you!  You CAN and WILL get there!  
What is doubt keeping you from this week?  Post it, leave it here....then GO!!!

Don't forget to enter my Centrum ProNutrients giveaway!  Deadline is Wednesday!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Galloway Running Take 1!

As I said on Thursday, I tried to follow the whole run-walk model from runner Jeff Galloway.  I decided to do 1 mile run-1 minute walk.  I had 14 miles on tap but well....here come the excuses.  I ran later in the day throwing off my fuel for the day... I had no fuel for the run leaving me STARVING...I was just plain tired!  So I ran 13.1 with a 1/2 mile walk at the end.  Thoughts......I liked it.  There are things I need to tweak as I try this again but I am trying it again!  I played with the walking a bit like if I saw a hill coming I would wait to walk and I walked every 1.1 mile so I could see what my "real" pace was.  I was going really fast (for me) for at least 8 miles and then started getting tired.  I kept the pace below 9 min/miles for most of it except for 2 of the miles (the first warm-up mile and one with a HUGE hill).  I'll put my splits below.  I liked it overall and can't wait for my next long run!  Best of luck to all of you racing this weekend!!!

1.00 9:20

1.00 8:43

1.00 8:50

1.00 8:50

1.00 8:41

1.00 8:45

1.00 8:39

1.00 8:47

1.00 8:50

1.00 9:02

1.00 9:36

1.00 8:51

1.00 8:58

0.60  15:10

Friday, January 6, 2012

Fitness Friday-Go on With Your Motivated Self!

It is almost a full week after the start of 2012....how are you doing with your goals?  Me I'm having a little trouble this week getting going so to say.  Heading back to work and back to my 4:30 wake-ups has me dragging in the morning.  I gave myself a little extra grace this week to get back into things but I am afraid to give myself any more than that.  I have been getting in workouts but not with the intensity that I know I need.  So tonight I am going to make myself a motivation board and journal.
I have read on a lot of blogs about motivation boards and journals.  The person I defer to most is Amanda @ Runninghood. She creates spaces for inspiration and is so creative!  I also went poking around on the internet for some descriptions on where to start.  EHow Health had a step by step post about making one.  Here are some pictures of motivation/inspiration boards I also found:

So this is my project for this weekend!  I have a basic notebook that I am going to cover and this afternoon I am going to grab a board and get cracking.  With my pile of magazine and the ever addictive Pinterest I am certain I will be ready to roll! 

Have you ever made a motivation/inspiration board?  What did you focus on?  Did it do what yo needed it to do?  If you've made a motivation/inspiration board or are making one now I would love for you to send me a picture of it!!!  I think it would rock to make a post of everyone's different boards....to celebrate your creativity and motivation!  Send them my way at mrscapen14 at yahoo dot com!!!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Three Things Thursday

Good morning all!!  I'm feeling quite random today so a random three things is what you're going to get! 
1.  Holy Moly!...Today I am the Mother for "Follow this Mother" on another mother runner blog!!!!  When Sarah first contacted me I thought I was being punked....I seriously love these ladies!  Now that I've emailed and talked to Sarah I have realized that she is just like everyone else...even more so now that we are BFFs!!  Lol!  I crack myself up!  Seriously though, I can't believe I was chosen and I am just over the moon excited!  Head on over there and check it out!
2. IRL...A few months ago at a race I ran into a reader Megan who introduced herself to me.  She and I have been playing email tag since and I finally got to talk In Real Life at running group yesterday!  I was totally going to bag since I was feeling particularly lame with the freezing temps, but I'm so glad I pushed myself and got to chat with her!  She is beginning her training for Boston where she is going to ROCK it!  Great talking with you Megan and hats off to you for fitting in training with scheduling challenges!  Let's run again soon!
3.  This weekend I am going to run a 14-15 miler (depending on time) and I am thinking of using the Galloway Method for it to see how I like it.  A few weeks ago I was talking about this with another person from running group (seriously I learn SOOO much from this group).  She has used it with two marathons both of which she ran 25 and 28 mile training runs and was able to recover really quickly!  Have any of you used this before?  Any suggestions?  
Don't forget to enter my ProNutrients Giveaway!!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Win it Wednesday

Gather round for your chance to win your very own ProNutrients product of choice!!!

Perhaps you remember my review of the ProNutrients line from yesterday.  If not scoot your bootie over here now!  By now you must be saying...where can I get some of my own?....or maybe your thinking what am I lacking in my own diet?  Well today is your lucky day because Centrum is giving away a product from the ProNutrients line to one of YOU lucky folks! 

Here is the skinny of how to enter:
Mandatory: Head on over to Nutrition Possible and take the assessment there.  Come on back and comment about what you are lacking that you didn't know you were.
Extra Points: Leave a comment for each
Be a follower of Living the Dream blog, Facebook, or Twitter (@lilfancynancy)
Like Centrum on Facebook (don't forget that coupon!)
Share this giveaway to every and any person you know!  Spread the love through your blog, Facebook, or Twitter

The winner will be chosen on Wednesday, January 11th!  
Here are the official giveaway rules and regulations.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Centrum Review...A New Line Just for You!

The makers of Centrum multivitamins has launched a new line of supplements that work naturally with what you are already taking for a multivitamin.  Their new ProNutrients line includes three products, Omega-3, Probiotic, and Fruit and Veggie designed to provide you with the health benefits you need each day! 
These MiniGels are a change from your usual horse pill making them much easier to get your daily dose of heart and brain boost.  They are also reasonably priced at only $12.99 for a 50-count package or $19.99 for 100-count.
These packets provide you with not only belly health but also gives you the immune support you need for this lovely cold and flu season!  I have been just adding this to my morning green monster...easy as that!  A 14-unit box comes in at $18.99, while 28-unit box is $29.99.

This last supplement comes in an all natural tablet and gives you the antioxidants and polyphenols you need for cell protection and overall health.  While a healthy diet can give you this benefit, this supplement can ensure you are getting what you need.  A 50-unit pack rings in at $11.99 and a 100-unit pack is $19.99.

All products can be found in the multivitamin isle in most stores as well as online.  For further information you can also visit their website here or their Facebook page Facebook.com/Centrum.  As an added bonus for going on their Facebook page, you can receive a $5 off coupon here.  If you are anything like me, I am always game for a good coupon.  

Stay tomorrow for a chance to win a ProNutrients product of you choice!!!! 

I am participating in a Centrum ProNutrients campaign hosted by One2One Network. I received nutritional product and compensation. While all opinions stated are my own, I make no claims about Centrum ProNutrients as a product or it's effectiveness.