Monday, January 2, 2012

Monday Motivation

One benefit of being a teacher is the vacation time.  Ask a teacher and they will argue that we earn every second of vacation time....but I know other jobs are just as hard if not harder.  So this morning I find myself with an extra day before going back to work.  An extra day to organize the house, make my meals for the week, put away the decorations (We wait until the last second around here!), and an extra day to stick to those resolutions!  Today I am going to stick to fueling my body the way I should so that I can go out and tear it up on the road!  Stick with your goals and write it all down!  This is not going to happen in one day and you are going to need to write it down to remember how far you have come!  Let's look to July....picture yourself where you dream you could be....get to work on that today!


  1. goodLORDyouteachersEARNTHISTIME!!!

    *bows in awe*

  2. I think teachers are so brave! i don't think I could survive with that many kids in a room for that long without going crazy, but maybe that is why you get such long vacations :)

  3. Great Monday Motivation! I am going to use my extra day wisely as well and enjoy the fresh air outside with some walking, hiking and maybe even a quick run.

  4. You always find (and post) the most motivating messages - thank you!

    And BTW, teachers seriously rock. I remember being very postively impacted by specific teachers; one of them being my cross country coach. 'Nuff said :)

  5. Done (goals written) Done (decorations down)
    I still need to meal plan for this week.
    And I am just trying to stay low before.... wait, I have to work tomorrow?
    Ugh. ;)

    Okay, off to relax (just got back form the tournament of roses parade)

  6. I love it!! what a unique, but thoughtful idea!!

  7. I've always liked that perspective. Reminds me of something similar I once read along the lines of that time will pass regardless of whether or not you make a change... so wouldn't you rather have changed your life a year from now rather than looking back over the past year and wishing you'd made the change?

  8. Hi nancy. SInce I contract with a school dist I have the same break and enjoyed the extra day to get ready to return to work. Sticking to my resolutions and kicking P90X2 butt :)

  9. I used to work in a school (social worker) and was am so amazed by how hard teachers work! Hope you enjoyed every minute of your break!
