Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Two for Tuesday....Galloway meets Virtual Run

Sunday's long run was a two-fold run for me!  The first  were for Toni's virtual birthday run over at Running, Loving, Living!
Because I was going round two on trying out Galloway it wasn't the fastest I could do but I was excited to celebrate Toni's birthday with her in a fun way!  I cruised through the 3.5 in 29:45 and then went on my merry way to complete my next 12 miles.  
This second time around with Galloway I focused on the distance and staying consistent throughout the run.  The temps were so not fun around 15* without the windchill so it was steady for me.  There were a few miles I ran without the walk break but for the most part I stuck with run a mile, walk a minute.  I was not only very happy with my time (2:15:13) but I was even more excited with how I felt after.  The whole reason why I chose to try out this method was so that I wasn't toast for the rest of the day.  Having a toddler means no rest for the weary!!  Well I was tired but not really sore at all.  Almost right after the run we got in the car to go to visit my family and shop for cars!  I felt great and the next day my legs felt great too!  I kept telling my hubby that I was so excited with how good my legs felt!  I am gong to continue to use this method training for this 20 miler....if it isn't broke....!  Here is my post race/long run pic!  You can't see the icicles!


  1. Very nicely done! You are getting so speedy!

  2. WOW I wish my long runs were as fast as yours! and I know this doesn't pertain to anything but I love your mirror and way to get out in the cold, I know how tough that can be!

  3. nice job getting out there in that chilly mess!! Sunday was horrid out temp wise!!

  4. My husband is a believer in the Galloway method. Used it to run his first Marathon in 4:24! Great run!

  5. Great job!! The temp is nice today but winds are 25+ mph gusts. YIKES

  6. Nice job! Glad you got out there in the cold. If I ever try to run a full marathon again I might just try the Galloway method.

  7. Sounds like Galloway is definitely working for you! Do you find it hard to keep stopping then starting again (running I mean) - it's always something I've wondered about Galloway?

  8. Nice job Nancy. I tried the Galloway training method but just could not get it to work for me. It sounds like your like one of the many I talked to that love that type of training. Cold weather here too! Ugh!

  9. Way to go! Your just like us here on the prairies where it's -47C, and people don't let it stop them from getting out to run. Sounds like the training is going well. Keep it going!

  10. Galloway is growing on me! Come on spring ....

  11. Wow, the Galloway is really working for you! My boyfriend (in New Bedford) said it was 8 yesterday!? You are a trooper!

  12. Excellent job! I totally wussed out on the cold last week.

    Glad Galloway's keeping your legs happy :)

  13. 15? Brrr! Love the pink jacket. Safe AND cute!

  14. Good job! Love the run-walk method!
