Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Cut the Cravings With Candy....Say What?

I was so excited when I was picked for a campaign by FitApproach with MealEnders Signaling Lozenges.  It honestly couldn't have come at a better time!  I don't know if you know but we currently have more snow than Anchorage, 4 weeks!
Add to that the fact that last week was our school vacation and you have the perfect mindless eating situation!  Enter MealEnders!  MealEnders are "signaling lozenges" that are designed to help you stop overeating and mindless eating.  They are stimulant and gluten free as well as only having 15 calories and 2 grams of fat each...much lower than the snacks that I would have grabbed!  They come in 4 great flavors: chocolate mint, cinnamon, citrus, and mocha.
I received a bag of each flavor and had fun trying them all.  I honestly LOVE the chocolate mint flavor the best even though all 4 flavors were yummy!
How does it work?  Well instead of reaching for another helping of food or continuing to eat even though you are getting hungry....or if you're like me and you snack when you're simply pop a MealEnder in your mouth and in the 20 min it takes to dissolve in your mouth the craving is gone!  Each has a sweet coating that stops the craving for more food.  When that layer is gone what remains resets your taste buds keeping you from reaching for more food!  With MealEnders you can retrain your brain to stop when you are full...or like me stop yourself from completely stopping your progress by mindlessly snacking!  They certainly helped me get through the time inside and vacation without snacking the pounds on!

Now because I'm always in elementary school and our #1 rule is to share....I'm passing on MealEnders to you!!  Enter today for a chance to win the same 4 bags of MealEnders that I received! The giveaway ends Sunday and the winner will be announced on Monday!!  Good luck!

I was given 4 bags of MealEnders Lozenges in exchange for this review and giveaway through a campaign with FitApproach but all opinions are 100% me!!


  1. super interesting!
    the husband loves him some sugars after eating (reeces FTW :-)) I wonder if these would work for him...

    1. Now I wouldn't say they are a Reeces but they're yummy!

  2. Yumm, chocolate mint sounds so good!

  3. That sounds like a great idea...however, do you ever just want to eat like 20 of them in a row? :)

    1. Honestly you don't chew them so after it're good!

  4. I'm thinking Chocolate Mint sounds delicious!! I have been wanting to try these for a while now so this would be perfect. They look yummy (and I sort of agree with Kyria, I would think you'd just want to eat like 20 in a row!)

  5. Choc mint is my choice, although any flavor would help!

  6. anything chocolate and mint sounds divine!

    We were just talking earlier today about the amount of snow your city has received... so close to breaking that record of 100 inches!

  7. Ooooh. I think Cinnamon would do it for me. Would love to try them out. My older sister has a cup of cocoa every night to signal that here eats are done for the day and that works so I guess a SWEET is the key.
