So I have found two more 1/2 marathons to try. One is in October and the other November. The one in October is near and dear to me because it is in my hometown. I mean my parents could practically step out their front door and watch me run by. The only downfall with this one is that it is SO HILLY!!! I'm not a whiner but New England is just hilly! I would love to do this one! My family is the best group of cheerleaders! I have been involved in sports since I could put one foot in front of the other which means my parents and sister have attended everything from gymnastic meets to weekend long softball tournaments. My biggest sport was softball and the experiences I have had through it with my family will be ones that I always treasure! When I ran Boston they even put a huge sign on the front lawn that said "Way to Go Nancy!" On a funny note, my Mom is the best example of unconditional support. She would

Ok so enough procrastinating! My timer went off! I have to get the run in so I can relax and watch Glee!