Meet the girls...
Beauty #1 |
Beauty #2 |
Yes I realize that if you are a follower of this blog there is a good chance that you have already met these ladies, however, today is a reflection on how these two beauties have changed my running life. I was thinking of this post as we ran this past weekend in the Mackenzie's 5k for Crohn's Disease.
I found myself giggling at how different life is now...from the ponytail pulling to the extra 70lbs I was pushing, we had a blast and Em even thought we won!...I mean actually walked over to the table and asked them if the trophy was for us (never lacking in confidence that one!) We did pass a few snarky ladies who said, "Don't worry she'll lose steam and be walking in no time!"....Oh heck no!!
Pre-race prep:
Before mommyhood this entailed me waking calmly making sure I had enough time to have a relaxing breakfast that was perfectly cooked and ready. I had more than enough time to get dressed (since I knew where all my running gear was located at all times), pack my small bag with a change of clothes (don't want to sit in sweaty clothes for the drive) snacks, GU, and water just for me. myself. and I. I would saunter out the door with more than enough time on my hands looking perfectly quaffed and ready to tackle the race.
After mommy hood...I wake up at an ungodly hour in order to get in a quick breakfast before one of my beauties wakes up (usually unsuccessful...they can hear me breathe I swear!). This leads me of course to getting their breakfasts ready and fed to them while I sneak in a bite here and there of a burned English Muffin that I wasn't paying attention to! I chug down some coffee while I pull on my race outfit that was laid out the night before and try to find my missing Saucony (which is usually in my daughter's closet since she was trying it on) and my Garmin which is probably in the car from the last race! I stumble out the door trying not to run over my sauntering 4 year-old carrying her sister in the baby carrier, my running bag with a jacket if I'm lucky (mostly used so that my sweaty clothes don't ruin my seats!), and a baby bag packed with enough snacks, bottles, and clothing options to last us a week on the road!
Race time:
Before mommyhood I would arrive to the race with plenty of time to visit the expo (if I hadn't already the night before....because really no one to lug around but me), get my number, and have it pinned and centered on my shirt. I would take a leisurely jog around to warm up and stretch in order to line up right on time! The race is all about me. myself. and I as I watch my splits closely and push myself as I leg out another great race! Not to mention the fact that I am perfectly hydrated and fueled (due to the fact that I don't need to share it with anyone!)
After mommyhood (this is from our experiences Saturday) we arrive at the race a little too early since by the grace of God we got out the door on time! After picking up our bib, I then proceeded to panic a bit knowing I had too much time to fill and restless beauties that wanted OUT of the stroller! Out come the snacks and a walk around the school hosting the event in an effort to put Beauty #2 to sleep (no luck)! We stumble upon a blessing ahead...a playground! We climb and swing and slide until just minutes before the race is scheduled to begin. I wrangle both beauties into the Dualie again as they both yell their displeasure. Snacks and bottles fly as I try to fill their bellies before it's go time.
We're very serious about hydrating! |
Running along is a myriad of scenes from screeches of joy to screeches of pain due to Beauty #2's obsession with pulling ponies! One final push as we fly through the shoot knowing a potty break is needed NOW!
You can see the difference right? Time and calmness! Don't get me wrong. I had a blast running with the ladies Saturday as I do a lot of the time. Saturday morning long runs entail me getting in as many miles as possible within the time frame that I have. Running while pushing 70+lbs managing snacks and technical difficulties with the iPad has become my new norm...and while I have days when I crave the days of running having only to worry about myself, I wouldn't trade these days for a second!
It is not lost on me that this girl time is fleeting fast and that there will be a day when they are passing me! For now I will giggle at what a difference a few beauties make and be thankful for faster running times (after all having to fit 13 miles into 2 hours requires speed!)!