Friday, March 22, 2013

Fitness Friday...Gym Must Haves

Well over the summer I claimed my independence from the gym.  I said I didn't need a membership to get into shape and I know that that is still true.  Many people have amazing results from working out in their own home.  Yesterday however I realized a few things about myself....
  • I LIKE going to the gym...walking in the door, going to classes, using a variety of weights and machines, talking with others(I met my husband at the gym-technically we had known each other for years but we were reunited at the gym where he saw me flexing and knew he couldn't live without me:-))
  • I am a gym girl...yes I am a runner first...but I love the classes (spin, body pump, etc)
  • Lifting heavy weights in front of a huge mirror makes me feel very bada$$...I kid about the mirror part!
  • This is not going to happen any time soon:
 My current gym can best be described as the latest episode of Jersey Shore at night...
which would be great if I were in my early 20s and wanted to spend my precious gym time texting my friends and flirting but well...
Sooo yesterday I headed over to a different gym to check it out and see if I thought it would be a better fit for me....and walked out with a shiny new gym membership!  Ha!  The gym really does have what I'm looking for/need.  It's an all women's gym which is something that I didn't need but the features of the gym fit.  They have some great classes which is really what I was looking for.  I'm looking forward to getting back to spinning and taking a Team class which can be best described as CrossFit meets athlete training.  Who knows...all I know is that I saw TRX bands, AstroTurf, Kettlebells, and punching bags and I was in love! 

Now I'm always a runner at heart....and even though my hubby went there and said something runners never want to hear "What if the trainer tells you you need to run less?"...I know in order to change my body shape right now I need to mix it up.  When I had Em I was whipped into shape that way...I logged 1500 miles but I also did and LOVED bootcamp classes and other HIIT classes.  I'm looking forward to changing things up and seeing results!

What do you look for in a gym? 


  1. I look for a gym that opens by 5 am!!! I like to get in early workouts...when i am not on social media and reading blogs....and I need a gym that opens early so I can get to work on time! Congrats on your new gym membership!

  2. I haven't been to one in almost seven years and I do miss it so much! I used to look for lots of cardio machines so I didn't have to wait for one and lots of equipment, I was never big on taking classes though I think I would now. Glad you found a great new gym and boo to the hubby for going there! ;)

  3. It's been years since I've had a gym membership but I miss it CONSTANTLY!!!! For the same reasons as you :-) love this post, but so happy you found, what sounds so cool!!!

  4. I ditched my old gym and joined my new one for the classes. I have been to 3 classes in 8 months. LOL My gym is a womens only one also. It has it's pros & cons but I enjoy it there and the trainers are all nice so I'll stick around even if I don't go to the classes that I joined for. Have fun at yours!

  5. Awesome to find the right fit. We have a great system here in town...for one family membership, we belong to three different gyms, 23 outdoor pools and other fun features. You can't beat it!

  6. Sounds like you found a great gym! We stopped our gym membership for a while (have a small gym in our apt building) but recently started it back up and I totally agree - it's nice to walk through those doors and I feel like I workout harder while there. I look for a good price, variety of equipment and space/light. I hate working out in a dark gym!

  7. Stopping by from Fitness Fridays! Glad to hear you found a gym that you like! I haven't had a gym membership in a about 9 months. I enjoyed it, but felt like I wasn't using it as much when I started training for a half marathon. I do miss it some, but I enjoy going to different yoga studios and I have had decent luck with living room strength training sessions! Hope you love your new gym.

  8. Sounds like a great gym, I love TRX :) I am lucky to work very part-time for the gym and get a free membership, but I love the variety of classes and access to all the weights, but I am first a runner and would rather be outside :)

  9. I am just like you, I love to go to the gym even though I know I can work myself out just as hard at home. I like the sound of the machines, the different types of gadgets, etc. I'm jealous that you have a punching bag at your new one..

  10. Glad you found a good fit. I just switched gyms too and am very happy. While I love running, like you I'm much happier when I can mix it up. Enjoy your new gym :)

  11. Sounds like a great fit Nancy! If I were to go back to a gym membership I would look for crossfit, class variety and a clean locker room.

    Enjoy your new gym!

  12. I am a runner at heart, but I LOVE classes. It is why I am a dog runner and not a cat runner, as I love running with other people

  13. LMFAO - Ain't nobody got TIME FOR DAT!!!

    What I look for in a gym: CLEAN. LOTS OF ELLIPTICAL TRAINERS (with arms)... Sanitation Wipes. Bathroom (believe it or not, my apartment gym does NOT have a bathroom so I have to run to my apartment if I need to PEE!). Hot Men. Yes, I said it. I need hot men. Sadly, my gym apartment is the stomping ground for all gay men (I live in West Hollywood)... So yeah, clearly my apartment gym does NOT pass my gym test BUT... having a gym in my apartment complex is FAR easier than driving to a gym a few miles away!

  14. I'm with you; I like to have a couple of classes and a weight room without a bunch of people staring at me.

  15. I am giving up my gym membership when it expires in August but only because I am doing bar method right now and the cost is so darn costly. I will probably go back but at the moment I am not using it. I think if the gym fits they are perfect and I also am not a do it all exclusively at home kind of person!

  16. When I bought the treadmill I cancelled the gym and I do have some days where I miss it. I miss the people watching and also the group classes. Unfortunately with my commute there is no time for the gym, so I workout from home or run during lunch. Enjoy your new gym!!

  17. I'm glad you've found a new gym that is a better fit for you! It sounds like you will have a lot of fun taking classes there.

  18. Love this insight into your fitness journey! It's true, the gym can offer so much more than just a place to work out. It's a community, a space for personal growth, and sometimes even where love blossoms! Your enthusiasm for the gym experience is contagious, and it's fantastic to see you embracing the variety of classes and equipment available. Plus, finding a gym that aligns with your needs and preferences can make all the difference. Here's to mixing it up, trying new things, and ultimately achieving those fitness goals!

    Best Wishes From FQAhealthcare
