Thursday, August 27, 2009

Just 2 more hours please???

Many days I feel like I need just 2 more hours and I will be able to get everything done! Today was one of them. Then of course I am acting like a crazed lunatic because it's back to school time. Staples has been playing the song, "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year" but I disagree! I am a teacher and I am trying my best to ignore the fact that I have to go back to work and leave my precious baby with someone else! But that self pity is for another day's blog...probably the day before school starts and I am sobbing!

My concern today as I wanted to scream out was "How am I going to fit it all in?" I can't run before school because I have to be there pretty do I fit in weight training and running while also giving my husband time to go to the gym too??? Any suggestions? My only suggestion was that we go to the bank and say "Thank you very much for this house but we don't want it any more." and moving into something that won't force me to work! Before Miss Emma, I went for runs after work and then to the gym. Between my husband and I we clocked a good 5-6 hours a night there but there is no time for that!

On a clean-eating note, I am starting to get a rhythm but am feeling like I still don't understand the "rules". I find myself eating the same things every day and still not getting in any real carbs. The only thing work will be good for besides a paycheck is that it will force me to eat well. I find myself just gazing at the cabinets and throwing away anything that I am tempted to eat. My poor husband came home today looking for something but I had thrown it away! Sorry it was calling me! I just keep plodding along though...

Gotta love this cool weather for running!!!


  1. Thank you for stopping in on my Blog. Sounds like you have a few BIG decisions ahead of you!! I am so blessed to be able to run on my lunch break and have a shower in my building. I am not sure how Teachers and Moms balance it all. I would be exhausted after teaching other people's kids all day..

    Hang in there!! I really think that the answer will come to you. Jogging stroller???

  2. I just did several posts on the same subject. I am a mother of two with a full time job. My time with my family is already limited and as my mileage increases, I find it harder and harder to decide when to run. I think I am going to shoot for 2 days at the butt crack of dawn so that I can spend those nights with the family, 2 rest days with the family ( usually Mon and Fri) and that leaves my other 3 runs for Wed, Sat and Sun. I think that will work, I am trying it next week. A jogging stroller would be a great way for you to get in a run while hubby goes to the gym, unfortunately my kids are past stroller age but not old enough to run with me for any length of time! How do us worker mom's do it??? Good luck! I know you will figure it out! Stay positive and know that children are resiliant and flexible if that is how you raise them! So pack up Miss Emma in a stroller and get your run on! If you start that early, it will be second nature to her!!!

  3. Fitting it all in is tough. I either wake up really early and hit the roads or go after my daughter is in bed. During the summer this isn't bad since the mornings provide cooler temps and the night runs aren't bad because it is still light out. However, once fall/winter hits it is a bit harder. Try out different routines and go for quality workouts.

  4. Do you read Clare's blog?( She's a teacher too and finds ways to fit everything in. I'm sure you will too. I didn't realize you were a teacher. What do you teach? I teach high school math. I took off this next school year. It's killingggg me. I love teaching. But it will be nice to be home I guess!

  5. I will have to check that out Natalie! I am a Third Grade teacher of newcomers to the country. Most of my students are refugees or new immigrants to the US. I love it and I love them too but it is killing me to leave my little one! Enjoy your school year off!

  6. Thanks for your comment on the teaching/going back to work thing. How long did you take off? I'm concerned when next year rolls around it is going to be even harder going back! I made the eat clean pizza dough tonight- SOOOO good!!

  7. i am finding, 9 years later, that i can afford to slack a little at school and at least 2 days a week i can get to the fitness center at school (we have a nice one, rich town!) to lift or run during lunch block. we have a cush schedule though. and at least 2 more days, i force myself to work out (run or ride) immediately after school and still manage to get my daughter by 3:30. sometimes i will run with her around 4pm if i can't workout right after school. i only go to the real gym once during the week now, it sucks but have to keep the husband happy (sigh). otherwise i'd go every evening after the kid is in bed! but basically...i just figured i spent 8 years coaching, advising, coming in early and staying late, and year 9 is about reaping the rewards of that work and not stressing so much about the job. sounds like your 3rd graders require a lot more i don't know!
