Monday, August 24, 2009

So unfair!!!

Ok so here I am day 1 of my Eat-Clean life change. I ate my oatmeal egg whites for breakfast and am about to eat my second midmorning boost when I decide to fire up the oven to make some sweet potatoes for Emma. Let me take a minute to thank the person who invented central air or else my stove would be on a 3 month break! Anyways I am getting things ready and waiting for the oven to preheat when the most delicious smell come wafting out of it.....yesterdays birthday cake for my husband! Our oven tends to smell like whatever was cooked in it last. It is usually sweet potato or garlic but yesterday I baked my husband the most delicious birthday cake with chocolate and butterscotch chips. NOT FAIR for the girl trying to eat clean! I had to put the leftover cake on top of the fridge because "Out of sight, out of mind!" I'll let you know how my willpower holds up on day 1!


  1. The cake does sound delicious, but I am sure you will hold strong. I am such a sucker for sweets.

  2. ha, I would have given in and had a little slice
